The First Girl

The first girl that ever looked at me
I was eleven
She was fat and ugly
But that didn't matter
Because she was looking at me

Or so I thought
I looked back
As hard as I could
No flash of recognition was visible
But that didn't matter
If she was looking at me

I was playing a Tuba at the time
And then I realised
She wasn't looking at me
She was looking at her reflection

The first girl that ever kissed me
I was sixteen
She was proud and aloof
But that didn't matter
Because she was kissing me

Or so I thought
I kissed back
As hard as I could
No electricity passed between us
But that didn't matter
If she was kissing me

I was dancing in a club at the time
And then I realised
She wasn't kissing me
She was kissing the boyfriend she had just lost

The first girl that ever loved me
I was seventeen
She was perfect
But that didn't matter
Because she was loving me

Or so I thought
I loved back
As hard as I could
And there was a moment when we both knew

But that didn't matter
If she was loving me

I was blind to the obvious at that time
So I never realised

Copyright ©2001-3 Rob Sharp