Real Name: Chrystina Chase DeByrano Primary M.o.S.: Anti-Terrorism/Urban Assault Height: 6ft/182.9 cm Weight: 200 lbs/90.7 kg(Shut up, I'm dense, okay?) Eye Color: Luminescent Silvery Blue Hair Color: Platinum Blond/Dark Brown Skin Color: Cafe au Late Identifying Marks: Pale dragon-shaped burn on left shoulder. Vine tattoo intertwined with a metallic blue tribal design encircles left bicep. Tribal and vine tattoo encircles right wrist. Metallic silver, blue, and gold butterfly on right ankle. Wavy purple tribal design curves around navel. Groove-like scars crisscross across shoulder-blades and upper back. |
Training: Having spent ninety percent of my life learning how to blow stuff up, and the rest of the time actually blowing stuff up, I'd say I'm probably very good at it, as well as being an expert in close combat. I'm familiar with all fighter jets up to the early twenty-first century, and whup ass in dogfights. I grew up with a gun in my hand, so I'm familiar with most small arms and hand held artillery(heh he he), such as grenade launchers, flamethrowers, all that neat stuff. I can do espionage, when need be, having a lot of training for that type of stuff. I've been in space, so know all that Zero-G stuff, it's easy. And I'm really good at breaking and entering, as well as safecracking. Mystic knowledge; I know this guy, and he seems to be following me around. But he does great tatties(tattos for all you slang impaired), so I picked up a few. Then I found out they were magic, and was tempted to whup his ass for not telling me, 'cause the got me a whole SHIPLOAD of trouble, but anyways, here we go. The right vine and tribal beauty around my left bicep would be my most and least favorite, 'cause it's saved my life so many times, but until I figured it out, I was hopping all over the Megaverse, usually in my skivvies. As far as I could figure, it collects ambient radiation, or what some would call magic. After a certain period of collecting, it would fill up and *poof!* I wake up in a boardmeeting in some other dimension. I had him put in a button of sorts, so now I can do it myself. I still have to wait for the chargeup period though. The other function allows me to take huge amounts of damage and whittles it down to my level. Saved my butt more times than I care to remember. I've got this really pretty little butterfly, usually on my right ankle, but I can put it anywhere, isn't that cool? It comes to life. Nothing fancy, and easily squashed,but hey, it's style here chummer. That tribal thing around my wrist is a personal thing, one I don't think I can put to paper,so I'll just say I got it to cover that nasty scar I got when someone removed my hand. Fair enough? That dragon on my left shoulder isn't actually a tattoo. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but that is also very private, and I'm not going to tell anyone that story for a long time. My newest one, the tribal thing around my navel, well, I haven't figured that one out yet. See, this guy(his name is Axel) creates these tattos, but unless they're his design, they have a random effect (NOW he tells me this!), so it could pretty much do anything. I'm actually trying to learn to wield magic, but all I've managed so far is a little glowing ball. Statistical Analysis: I'm supposedly brilliant, having a measure I.Q. of 200+. I'm resistant to mental probes and attacks, and am really insistent. I've had genetic enhancements, increasing my muscle/bone density to insane levels; meaning I can benchpress 4200lbs/1900kg, but I'm not a very good swimmer, since I sink. Biokevlar weave apparently has made my bones virtually unbreakable, which is a good thing. Last thing I need is a broken leg in the field. I'm told I'm fast, and thanks to improved hand-eye coordination and enhanced thought processes, I can dodge like that Spider-guy, though I'm not able to dodge individual automatic gunfire. That's what armors for. Well, that and my dense muscle and endoskeletal structure makes most small caliber weapons pretty useless. Don't get me wrong, I can get hurt, it's just unlikely you'll kill me with it. "As a side effect of the experiment, the subject has been physically improved to the point of being esthetically pleasing in appearance." (That means I'm a babe, I think.) Excerpted(stolen) from Nexus Medical Files: Subject has personally added a number of additions;A secondary stomach enabling sustainment for several days without food. Connecting neural tissue grants ambidexterity. Genetically created glands prevent frostbite, and others that protect from UV radiation.. Nanite rebuilding of optic nerve has enabled subject to see into the ultraviolet and infrared spectrums of light, allowing limited night vision. Audio rebuild enables the hearing of sub/supersonic frequencies, as well as protective dampening to prevent hearing loss from excessive noises. (I don't think I need to 'splain all that, do I?) |