Come to the place of the Bard and the Bird,
come to the place where my stories are heard.

This place is mine. All mine, and mine alone, and since you've come here, you're mine, too, now. At least for the moment. Do sit down. Listen. There's nothing else you're left to do. You have entered the realm of dreams, the realm of stories, my heart and my mind and my soul, the home of my thoughts. This is the Brook, but this is not going to be a picnic. I did never pretend to write short stories. You will find yourself trapped in an epic tale that will never end ...
Allow me to introduce Alexander of Korisander's Blood, young heir to the Angel of Wisdom and Keeper of the Crown, and one of the heroes of the Elomaran Cycle, which is currently my opus magnum. You will learn more about it later on - since right now, this brook is but a spring, you'll have to wait. Please do. Please come back. Alexander will need your help.