Cool Quotes
Buddhist Canto
One man may conquer ten thousand men in battle while another man may conquer only himself... yet this man is the greater victor.
There never existed, nor will there ever exist, nor does there exist today anyone who is always scorned or always praised.
Let a man conquer anger by love, let him subdue evil by good; let him overcome the greedy by liberality and the liar by truth.
If one does not have a wound in his hand, he may carry poison in his palm. Poison does not affect him who has no wound. There is no ill effect for the person who does no wrong.
Not in the sky, not in the middle of the ocean, not even in the cave of a mountain, should one seek refuge, for there exists no place in the world where one will not be overpowered by death.
Victory breeds enmity; the vanquished one dwells in sorrow; the composed person lives happily, disregarding both victory and defeat.
Health is the greatest of gifts, contentment the greatest of riches; trust is the finest of relationships and nirvana the highest bliss.
Do not become attached to what is pleasing nor to what is displeasing; not to see what is dear to one is painful, as also is the sight of the unpleasant.
Therefore, let no one cherish anything, inasmuch as the loss of what is beloved is hard. There are no fetters for him who knows neither pleasure nor pain.
From pleasure arises sorrow; from pleasure arises fear. To him who is free from pleasure there is no sorrow. Whence, then, comes fear?
From affection arises sorrow; from affection arises fear. To him who is free from affection there is no sorrow. Whence fear?
From attachment arises sorrow; from attachment arises fear. To him who is free from attachment there is no sorrow. Whence fear?
From desire arises sorrow, from desire arises fear. To him who is free from desire there is no sorrow. Whence fear?
From craving arises sorrow; from craving arises fear. To him who is free from craving there is no sorrow. Whence fear?
Through hatred, hatreds are never appeased; through non-hatred are hatreds always appeased -- and this is a law eternal.
Most people never realize that all of us here shall one day perish. But those who do realize that truth settle their quarrels peacefully.
A single word full of meaning, hearing which one becomes at peace, is better than a thousand words which are empty of meaning.
Follow the law of morality; do not follow the law of immorality; he who embarks upon the path of truth lives happily in this world and in the hereafter.
This world is blind. Few are they who can see things as they are. As birds escaped from the net, few go to heaven.
An evil act is better left undone, for that evil deed causes torment afterwards. It is better to perform a good deed; by performing it one does not repent later.