
With the plethora of Kith available on the internet, I'm actually downplaying adding any more, except those which I strongly feel have a place to fill missing gaps in Changeling.

Below is one set of such kith. Ever notice how there is only one "official" kith drawn from African legends? Although all European-derived kith are described as able to be African-American, the lack of actual African kith is a great disservice to many people in the US. I have found three other African kith on the web, but they were so tied to Africa as to be almost non-exportable to an US campaign. Thankfully, Green had already done some work on a variety of kith drawn from the legends of Central and West Africa, which are the regions where most African slaves were taken and brought to the US. In my view, these kith are the most likely African Changelings to be seen in North America.

I have taken Green's African Kith and done some good research on African and Hispanic influences/legends in the Caribbean and Americas; so here I present a version of Changelings drawn from these legends:

I made the below kith because an NPC friend of Ivan the Impossible's was specified as a Dwarf (not a Nocker). I truly hesitated to put this kith on my site, considering that there are already other dwarven kith descriptions out there, but my wife convinced me I should do so. If you have an opinion on this kith,

Jhardhel'Healdan @ Kith Site Map