
Frequently Asked Questions (plus comments, rants, complaints or whining)

1. What is this site about?
Simply, this site is about basic online role playing, and some general tips and tricks on how to get started. This site does not endeavor to cover everything and anything. This site only tries to give you a jumping off point as a newbie, and a friendly place to get info or ask questions. 

2. You didn't say anything about [insert game system, genre, or platform here]?
No, I didn't. I tried to keep the info and tips and tricks here general, so to be able to apply to just about any type of game you may encounter. Also, this site is about online role playing, so a lot of info about LARPS, table top, etc seemed superfluous, and isn't within my realm of specialty anyways. 

3. I have more questions about [insert subject here]!
Fantastic! I love to answer questions. I invite you to either , or to visit the upcoming message board I will be creating for online gaming newbies. Keep in mind that I can't answer questions about specific games I have no experience with. Your best bet then is to contact an admin of that specific game. 

4. You don't know jack about [insert subject here]!
Says you. This site by no means is the sum of all my knowledge. However, this site IS geared towards newbies, people who have no idea what role play is about or how to get started doing it. You were a newbie once. A site like this might have helped you then too. If you haven't figured that out by now, go back to your Pokemon game and leave me in peace. I'm well aware that this site is only the basics. That's what it is SUPPOSED to be. 

5. Where did you get all this info?
Out of my pretty little head? Most of this is built off my previous site, and much material was rewritten. I have many influences and experiences that have helped me to create the material for this site, which are listed in the Bibliography.

6. How can I contribute to this site?
I'd love for anyone to contribute newbie friendly/helpful articles or write ups on systems or platforms I haven't covered, or didn't cover very well. All I ask is that it is A) newbie friendly, as in simple language and terms, clear and concise and well written, and that you B) let me know your "real name"/website so I can give you credit. 

7. What makes you think you know everything about Role Play games?
*rolls on the floor laughing my tail off* Where did I say that? I don't. Not by a long shot. I always meet people who have more knowledge or experience in role play. It's through their influence that I have learned what I have. I simply am providing a service to those who are new to the hobby. I NEVER claimed to be the end all expert of the hobby. It IS to laugh. Ha. Ha.

8. Who the heck are you?
I'm me, who the heck are you? Did you read the about page? If not, go visit www.tigrez.com, then come back and ask a more relevant question. :P