Endless Dreams - May your Dream be Long and Enjoyable

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Q: Can your Fae Mein be older/younger than your Mortal Seeming?
A: Yes. If the character has been exposed to large amounts of Banality and has absorbed enough to become a Wilder or a Grump, then they are quite capable of shifting Meins. It is also possible to gain permanent Glamour and loose permanent Banality, making it possible to revert to a younger Mein. This is, of course, mostly up to your Storyteller.

Q: Can your Fae Mein be a different gender than your Mortal Seeming?
A: That's up to your Storyteller and/or troupe. It's entirely a matter of interpretation of the rules. Some people think that fae souls choose their mortal hosts. Others think they don't. Discuss the subject with your Storyteller and decide for yourself. I, for one, think they choose their own host, in which case: Yes.

Q: What exactly are Fomorians in Changeling? Are they the same as Fomorians in Werewolf?
A: No, Fomorians in Changeling are not Fomorians in Werewolf. They're seperate entities. The term Fomorian comes from Celtic myth. It describes darker supernatural beings than the Tuatha de Dannan (who were considered to be the highest form of Fae in Celtic myth, if I am not mistaken). Werewolf took the name first, causing confusion in Changeling. In Werewolf, Fomorians are servants of the Wyrm - evil creatures that are essentially abominations of the natural world. In Changeling, Fomorians are the dark counterpart to the Tuatha De Dannan. They were what first came out of the nightmares of men, while the Tuatha De Dannan were what first came out of the dreams of men. The fact that they share a name is mentioned in several Changeling books, but most Fae believe there is no relation - only a confusion of terms.
I suggest picking up "Denizens of the Dreaming" for further tidbits on the Fomorians. It details the Fomorian Courts, which is invaluable source information for any chronicle run from White-Wolf cannon material.
THE FOMORIANS HAVE NOT BEEN DETAILED IN ANY CHANGELING BOOK THAT I OWN. *clears her throat* And since the only game book I'm missing is the 1st Edition Main Rulebook, I'd say that they won't be detailed until the storyline with the Courts is finished and the last one has risen. "War in Concordia" might even have some stuff on them in it, you never know.

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