Lebensraum Campaign NewsJune 12, 2001The mailing list is up and running, with just a few more tweaks needed on the Phoenyx side (and site) of things. I quickly cleaned up the previous episodes and posted them via email as well, at the Raven's request. Last (but not least) Episode 4 is posted.May 21, 2001Got episode 3 up in the evening. Even though I only promised three episodes a month, I don't see a need for a break just yet. Opinions on the rolls is generally negative, so I'll pull them and probably dump them on a separate page.My web design isn't quite ready yet, so bear with us. On the plus side, the mailing list is ready, and I'll make that transition this week. May 15, 2001Good Morning! Episode 2 is posted, and other players are finding their way here. A note on style - I dropped the rolls that were made into the episode in small font. Does that make sense to you guys? Also, in future, I'd like die rolls submitted for each new episode - a small pile of 10 siders should do just fine. I'll use them as necessary, and generate more on the odd chance that I will have to.Next episode will be posted Monday the 21st. Web site layout should be improved shortly, with a player character page at the very least. May 14, 2001Timeline is updated, and Episode 2 will be up later tonight. Still just the one character so far, but I've posted on several boards and the Blue Planet mailing list, so we'll see what comes of it. New York City was hot and very crowded - I wonder how it will be in 2199?April 30, 2001Episode 1 is posted. Another should be posted this weekend, just before I head off to New York City (a fur piece from rainy Seattle). Character submissions are welcome, please see the GM page for details.This is just the rough index page; expect big changes soon! April 25, 2001The arcathia.com site went live today on amethyst-alliance.com which is now the primary site. The old RPGhost location will be the backup and I won't be posting Lebensraum episodes there.In other news, I've applied for a mailing list through phoenyx.net, which should come through within a week. |