Northbank is a small town on the banks of the Ery river, near the junction with the Neen river. Trails lead into town from the north (connecting with the River Road leading to Greyhawk) and the west (connecting to the town of Two Ford, about 15 miles away).
These trails connect with and lend their names to the two main roads in town, Greyhawk Avenue (known as the Ave), and Eryway. North of Eryway is Dairy Way. The only other East-West road that goes by a name is Main Street, running right by the mayor's house. West of Greyhawk Avenue are Phost and Usk streets, respectively. Running Northwest along the eastern edge of town is Yarpick, and the road leading up to Blackfair Manor is commonly known as the Boulevard.
The block located between the Ave and Yarpick, between Eryway and Dairy, is known as the Commerce Center of town. This block contains two inns (Joe's and the Metropolitan), a bakery, wineshop, jeweler, engraver, locksmith, and two upscale taverns, the Ent Tent and the Violet Vein.
Just north of the Commerce Center is the White Tree tavern, and around the corner is the meeting hall. Both establishments border on the village common, a great grassy area where fairs and open markets are held. Market is held once per week (on Freeday) but merchants from Greyhawk often set up a wagon with their wares available week-round.