Episode 38
Party time!

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 5th Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 8th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 5th Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 5th Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 5th Level (NPC)
Locale Stalmaer
Date 20th day of Planting, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time early evening

The Biscuits spent the next two days as the talk of the town. Mostly they stuck together, travelling around and seeing the sights. The majority of the group were not used to being treated as celebrities.

The day after their arrival, Waterday, was a major trading day in Stalmaer. One of the largest events was an auction of seed oil, sold in twenty gallon barrels at Fenker's Auction House. Rheaphlyndar stepped in as a guest auctioneer for one lot and did a fine job.

When they could excuse themselves from the group, Gimar and Jaron worked on planning Nicola's birthday bash. The entire town and most of the Greenjerkin rangers would be there, and Jaron ordered all varieties of food for the township. Gimar put in an order for a keg of Earthwine, which would probably arrive from downriver just before the party.

Turnabout was fair play, of course; none of the biscuits paid for a thing during their town wanderings. The fighters put on an Earthday clinic, teaching the rangers some added fighting techniques. During this same time Rheaphlyndar worked on his schmoozing skills and Wed quietly studied his newest book.

After finding a new outfit for the party, Nicola spent her time with a wise old woman, discussing Pelor and other topics. There was no church in Stalmaer per se, but there did seem to be some interest within the community. During this same time the matriarch also helped the young priestess with her subtle skills in makeup and charm.

Finally it was party time.

The old barn had been decked out in swaths of colorful cloth. All around the room were tables, heaped high with fruits and nuts, breads and cheeses, sauces and jellies, and many varieties of meat. Gimar's keg arrived on on time and the dwarven warrior convinced many of the townsfolk to try it. Rheaphlyndar worked his way around the room, a pretty lady on one arm and the town's mayor near the other. Wed put the finishing touches on a spell of phantasmal lights that he set to dancing about the rafters. Little John and Jaron stood off to one side, trying out the dart board that they had purchased from the Greenjerkins earlier in the day.

The door swung wide to admit a radiant presence. The well-tailored clothes and makeup gave the young cleric a beauty all her own. A great cheer went up around the room, causing Nicola to blush slightly, but then the Mayor stood up and took over from there.

Mayor My friends, thank you once again for saving our town and for throwing this wonderful party. I just want to wish a happy birthday to Nicola. Maestro?

The mayor had put together a small horn band, and they now struck up the tempo. Many of the townsfolk then joined in, dancing and laughing. Nicola spent much of the next hour dancing with various strapping young farm boys and rangers in their green and brown uniforms.

Later on, when the party was winding down, many of the biscuits found themselves north of the barn, towards the river and the woods. It was a cool night, but the rain seemed to be holding off. The townfolk left the celebration in twos and threes, heading back to their humble homes.

Gimar I'm surprised at how many of them tried the Earthwine.
Rheaphlyndar I bought up all the razors in town - tomorrow I can sell them at a profit.
Nicola Always finding new and more devious plans, eh? Thanks guys for the wonderful party.
Wed You did seem to be having a good time out there. Little John, you haven't said much all night. What do you think of birthdays?
Little John Those little lines around your mouth, those crow's feet around your eyes, the millimeter your derriere has slipped in the last decade -- they're all just nature's way of telling you that you've got nine holes left to play, so get out there and have a good time.
Nicola Huh? Must be the earth wine talking. Oh well, I would especially like to thank you, Jaron, for this wonderful pendant.
Jaron Certainly. Um, you didn't have anything to do with that woman who wanted to give me a "lap dance", did you?

Jaron's query was met with snickers from the rest of the Biscuits. He scowled at first, but eventually joined in the laughter.

Later still, when all but a few guests had left, the adventurers were comparing notes about when they would leave the next day and other fine details, when Nicola spotted lights in the northeastern sky.

Nicola Wed, this isn't another one of your phantasms, is it?
Wed Not me, not that . . . large.
Gimar They look like Will-o-wisps.
Little John Fan out!
Jaron Hold, I can't detect any evil.
Rheaphlyndar (squinting) They do radiate magic, though.

The Biscuits held their attacks as the lights came down from the sky. They swirled about the party, dancing erratically about, but not making any attacks. It seemed like they hovered near Jaron and Nicola longer than they did around anyone else, and nobody could quite tell for sure how long they stayed around. Eventually they moved off to the east, and the party-weary adventurers headed off to their beds.

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Normal Text Character's words or descriptive text if part of a paragraph
Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
Bold Text Character is shouting.


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