Episode 20
Undead, Rats, and Dirt

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 3rd Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 7th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 2nd Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 3rd Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 4th Level (NPC)
Locale Within the dungeons of the Temple of Elemental Evil
Date 11th of Fireseek, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time A bit later than before

The party discussed their options and pored over the map, and decided to continue from their current point. The half-elf pronounced the door trap free, and Gimar opened it wide.

The room beyond was labeled "old temple" on the map, and the previous party had defiled it well. On the south wall was a bas relief of a hideous head, with various humanoids, monsters, and demoniac creatures prancing in the background. The remains of a sandstone altar lay in fragments before the sculpture. Cloth was scattered all over the room, and the mouldering bodies of ghouls, dead from combat, lay mostly undisturbed in the southwest corner.

Nicola More dead critters. The way Jaron was talking I thought we would be entering the gates of hell.
Gimar Even hell has a first level -- and this one was cleaned out at one time.
Jaron I am disturbed by the harpies though.
Little John Perhaps the former party killed the harpies and later they were animated by evil clerics.
Nicola That would make sense. And ghouls, previously undead, could not be raised.
Jaron As I was saying, this does not bode well.
Gimar Oh, I don't know, an undead dragon could be a challenge.
Rheaphlyndar You know, there's nothing more pathetic than a flame retarded dragon.
Wed Perhaps we should continue our explorations?

The rooms leading to the northeast were also found to contain remnants of the undead. The party then returned to the "old temple" and went north then east along the connecting hallway.

The large room was a banquet hall. After moving through it the length was estimated at twice the distance of the "continual light" rock, or about one hundred feet. The exits from the room did not match the map at all, so Wed pulled out a fresh sheet of parchment and began a new map from this point. The hall was well littered with cloth and bones. With a quick vote the party decided to forego the long time it would take to search this room.

No signs of a recent battle were found, although among the litter were broken shields and weapons. Leading off the middle of the east wall was an angular hallway, which did match the old map. Leading out of the northernmost portion of the east wall was another hallway, this one leading shortly to a kitchen.

Of interest in the kitchen was a huge fireplace and three doors, leading west, south, and east. An ogre skeleton had been kicked about, probably to ensure its not rising up. However, as the party was examining that they were attacked by the skeleton of an eight foot snake!

 Nicola Turn :2: fail
 Jaron Turn :6: fail

 * [*] John Quarterstaff :17-|6+4|:7:  hit 1d6+4=7 to Skeletal Snake
 4 [2-2+4] Rheaphylander Quarterstaff :17-|6|:4:  miss
10 [4+6] Skeletal Snake :17-|0|:14:  miss
12 [5+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|6+5|:17:  hit  1d8+1d2+8=13 to Skeletal Snake
16 [9+7] Gimar Battleaxe :13-|6+5|:20:  critical(12)  2x1d8+1d2+8=26, slaying Skeletal Snake
A more thorough search of the room revealed that two of the doors were closets -- one for crockery (smashed), the other foodstuffs (spoiled). The third door, leading from the eastern portion, led to a hallway, probably matching the map. Under a small pile of debris near the skeleton was found a shortsword and a leather sack containing 84 gold coins.

Rheaphlyndar No rogue worth his dwarven ale would have missed that one.
Nicola Perhaps the previous party ran through this section late in the evening when they needed rest.
Gimar Say, that is a good idea. It's probably late afternoon now, we should return to base camp in a few hours.
Wed Hey, fine with me. Now down that hallway there is adoor, marked "B" on the map. There is a "B" on this fragment map as well, I would like to check that out.
Jaron I believe we are agreed then.

Outside that door was found a corridor leading northeast, as in the fragment, and the presence of a secret door about halfway up and a pit trap near the door confirmed it.

After a quick chat the party decided to swing around through the secret passageway and enter the next room from the north instead of trying to cross the pit. Jaron confirmed that this made better tactical sense.

After opening the door to that room the party was in for a rude shock. A rank of sixteen zombies stood arrayed before them. Eight had light crossbows, eight had javelins, and they were all pointed at the door that the party was entering. But none of them attacked.

Wed (whispering) It must be the robes.

Indeed, these guards wore chain mail armor, adorned with black and brown triangles. Similar insignia were on the shields by their sides. The room was lit with torches, which somebody had thoughtfully cast "continual light" upon.

The group quickly conferred in hushed tones and decided to attack after a dual turn attempt by the forces of Pelor. On cue, Jaron and Nicola spun around.

Jaron & Nicola See the Holy Light of Pelor!
Rheaphlyndar (whispering) Sounds like a commercial.

 Nicola Turn :18:  Success - 8 turned
 Jaron Turn :9:  Success - 11 turned
The party then decided that it was time to retreat to the cottage. No unexpected visitors showed their ugly heads -- perhaps due to the heavy snow. All awoke in the morning to new snow the depth of a long dagger outside.

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 3rd Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 7th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 2nd Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 3rd Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 4th Level (NPC)
Locale Safe House Cottage near the Temple of Elemental Evil
Date 12th of Fireseek, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Morning

Over their quick meal, the group discussed options and decided to check out the rest of the fragment map, and verify whether the "arrows" meant stairs leading down or something else. There were no encounters on the way back to the dungeon, or indeed all the way back to the secret hallway.

The small rooms were found to be gaol cells, and the remains of zombies were found in some. All had been busted open and ransacked. The hallway to the west of the cells was found to be nondescript and led to a spiral staircase leading down, ten feet wide in a twenty foot diameter shaft. No handrail was evidenced, but Rheaphlyndar and Gimar descended far enough to determine that it led to the next level of the dungeon. That staircase was shelved for the time being.

The room to the south of the hallway was found to be a torture chamber. Within were found a zombie and a zombie bugbear. Clearly the bugbear had taken damage from a lightning bolt which probably caused his initial death. Both were easily turned by the Pelorian pair, and quickly slain thereafter.

Gimar This zombie appears to have been the torture master.
Jaron Strange that the priests would raise these undead and yet keep them here.
Nicola Perhaps they had some affinity for their former environment and so returned there when they were no longer controlled.
Rheaphlyndar You mean the priests aren't here anymore?
Nicola Well, it's just a theory.
Rheaphlyndar There doesn't seem to be any treasure. So far the small pouch of gold is about all we've got to show for this work.
Jaron The destruction of undead is reward enough.
Rheaphlyndar It's a pity there isn't a bounty on undead.

The room to the east of the cells was found to be some sort of guard room, its occupant's slain or removed. To the north of that was found a staircase down, but Rheaphlyndar indicated that it seemed to end in some sort of room.

Gimar Wed, have you got a room on the map there?
Wed Nope, just an arrow.
Gimar Check for traps, we'll meet you down on the landing.
Rheaphlyndar (from below) Landing is clear, and I'm working on the steps going down.
Jaron That axe of yours doesn't provide much light for the rest of the party. Maybe we should pick up another one of those "continual light" devices.
Gimar That's not a bad idea. I was thinking of a lantern and we could have it cast on the wick. That way we could provide whatever level of light we need at the moment.
Nicola That's a good idea. I bet I could get a discount from my temple if I fill them in on our story here.
Rheaphlyndar (from below) OK, stairs down are clear, but the floor is covered with some sort of muck. I don't see any . . . whoah!

A grinding was heard along with the thump of a body hitting a stone surface. Gimar and company rushed down the stairs just in time to see the pit cover pivoting back into place.

Gimar (shrugging off his pack) Jaron and John, grab onto my belt and hold me. Nicola, can you grab the rope from my pack and tie it around my waist so I don't fall. I will just lean into this pit cover . . .
Wed I've got Feather Fall ready, just in case.

Gimar found a small ledge that could be stood on and leaned hard into the pit's cover. It pivoted open, and below Rheaphlyndar could be seen battling at least twenty giant rats!

 1 [1] Giant Rat #002 :20-|4|:5:  miss
 1 [1] Giant Rat #006 :20-|4|:20:  hit 1d3=3 + special
 2 [2] Giant Rat #007 :20-|4|:5:  miss
 2 [2] Giant Rat #009 :20-|4|:18:  hit 1d3=3 + special
 2 [2] Giant Rat #010 :20-|4|:19:  hit 1d3=3 + special
 4 [4] Giant Rat #003 :20-|4|:14:  miss
 4 [4] Giant Rat #012 :20-|4|:9:  miss
 5 [5] Giant Rat #004 :20-|4|:20:  hit 1d3=2 + special
 7 [7-2+2] Rheaphylander Dagger :17-|7|:5:  miss
 7 [7] Giant Rat #008 :20-|4|:16:  hit 1d3=1 + special
 8 [8] Giant Rat #001 :20-|4|:9:  miss
 9 [9] Giant Rat #005 :20-|4|:11:  miss
10 [10] Giant Rat #011 :20-|4|:15:  miss
Gimar jumped down into the pit, his hand axe flailing about like a dwarf possessed. Once he fought his way to Rheaphlyndar one would grab the other and they would make their getaway.

 1 [1-2+2] Rheaphylander Dagger :17-|7|:12:  hit 1d4=4, slaying Giant Rat #001
 1 [1] Giant Rat #012 :20-|4|:17:  hit 1d3=2 + special
 1 [1] Giant Rat #014 :20-|4|:15:  miss
 1 [1] Giant Rat #015 :20-|4|:1:  miss
 1 [1] Giant Rat #019 :20-|4|:11:  miss
 1 [1] Giant Rat #022 :20-|0|:13:  miss
 1 [1] Giant Rat #023 :20-|0|:14:  miss
 2 [2] Giant Rat #008 :20-|4|:16:  hit 1d3=2 + special
 2 [2] Giant Rat #020 :20-|0|:12:  miss
 3 [1+4-2] Gimar Hand Axe :13-|7+5|:13:  1d6+10=14, slaying Giant Rat #24
 3 [1+4-2] Gimar Hand Axe :13-|7+5|:14:  1d6+10=14, slaying Giant Rat #23
 3 [3] Giant Rat #007 :20-|4|:9:  miss
 3 [3] Giant Rat #009 :20-|4|:10:  miss
 4 [2+4-2] Gimar Hand Axe :13-|7+5|:18:  1d6+10=11, slaying Giant Rat #22
 4 [4] Giant Rat #003 :20-|4|:6:  miss
 4 [4] Giant Rat #006 :20-|4|:18:  hit 1d3=2 + special
 4 [4] Giant Rat #021 :20-|0|:10:  miss
 5 [5] Giant Rat #013 :20-|4|:13:  miss
 6 [4+4-2] Gimar Hand Axe :13-|7+5|:18:  1d6+10=15, slaying Giant Rat #21
 6 [6] Giant Rat #004 :20-|4|:20:  hit 1d3=1 + special
 6 [6] Giant Rat #005 :20-|4|:1:  miss
 6 [6] Giant Rat #017 :20-|4|:18:  hit 1d3=3 + special
 7 [7] Giant Rat #002 :20-|4|:13:  miss
 7 [7] Giant Rat #011 :20-|4|:4:  miss
 7 [7] Giant Rat #016 :20-|4|:3:  miss
 7 [7] Giant Rat #018 :20-|4|:12:  miss
 8 [6+4-2] Gimar Hand Axe :13-|7+5|:19:  hit 1d6+10=16, slaying Giant Rat #20
 8 [8] Giant Rat #010 :20-|4|:9:  miss
 9 [7+4-2] Gimar Hand Axe :13-|7+5|:18:  1d6+10=15, slaying Giant Rat #19
 9 [7+4-2] Gimar Hand Axe :13-|7+5|:19:  1d6+10=11, slaying Giant Rat #18

 1 [1] Giant Rat #030 :20-|0|:8:  miss
 2 [2] Giant Rat #003 :20-|4|:17:  hit 1d3=2 + special
 2 [2] Giant Rat #033 :20-|0|:20:  hit 1d3=2 + special
 2 [2] Giant Rat #036 :20-|0|:1:  miss
 3 [3] Giant Rat #002 :20-|4|:7:  miss
 3 [3] Giant Rat #012 :20-|4|:20:  hit 1d3=3 + special, Rheaphlyndar falls
 3 [3] Giant Rat #013 :20-|4|:14:  miss
 3 [3] Giant Rat #026 :20-|0|:10:  miss
 3 [3] Giant Rat #027 :20-|0|:17:  miss
 3 [3] Giant Rat #028 :20-|0|:14:  miss
 3 [3] Giant Rat #035 :20-|0|:11:  miss
 4 [2+4-2] Gimar Hand Axe :13-|7+5|:1:  fumble
 5 [5] Giant Rat #004 :20-|0|:10:  miss
 5 [5] Giant Rat #005 :20-|0|:19:  miss
 5 [5] Giant Rat #006 :20-|0|:3:  miss
 5 [5] Giant Rat #007 :20-|0|:5:  miss
 5 [5] Giant Rat #017 :20-|0|:13:  miss
 5 [5] Giant Rat #031 :20-|0|:12:  miss
 6 [6] Giant Rat #008 :20-|0|:6:  miss
 6 [6] Giant Rat #009 :20-|0|:15:  miss
 7 [7] Giant Rat #014 :20-|0|:9:  miss
 7 [7] Giant Rat #016 :20-|0|:19:  miss
 7 [7] Giant Rat #034 :20-|0|:2:  miss
 8 [8] Giant Rat #010 :20-|0|:12:  miss
 8 [8] Giant Rat #011 :20-|0|:7:  miss
 8 [8] Giant Rat #015 :20-|0|:3:  miss
 8 [8] Giant Rat #025 :20-|0|:5:  miss
 8 [8] Giant Rat #029 :20-|0|:8:  miss
 8 [8] Giant Rat #032 :20-|0|:17:  miss
Rheaphlyndar fell, almost reaching the rope. Gimar grabbed him quickly and shouted "pull us up, pull us up!" Around forty rats continued to attack the dwarven warrior, who held the heavily bitten half-elf over his head.

 3 [3] Giant Rat #028 :20-|0|:20:  hit 1d3=2 + special
 5 [5] Giant Rat #031 :20-|0|:20:  hit 1d3=3 + special
 8 [8] Giant Rat #011 :20-|0|:20:  hit 1d3=1 + special
 9 [9] Giant Rat #042 :20-|0|:20:  hit 1d3=1 + special
12 [Max+2] Wed :13: Web into the pit
Gimar and the unconscious Rheaphlyndar escaped the pit, while Wed threw a web spell down amongst the rats. The next moment, right before Jaron and John let the pit cover pivot back into place, Wed threw another spell into the pit -- Flaming Sphere.

Gimar pulled out his Keoghtom's ointment, and Jaron did a laying on of hands. Rheaphlyndar was groggy, but much less damaged than before. After a lunch break he was even feeling like battling again. The ointment should have removed any chance of disease, so the only real loss to the Biscuits was Gimar's continual light rock, dropped into the horde of rats.

Continuing east from the rat stairs the party came to a very wide corridor. Unlike the dressed stone of the rest of the dungeon, it was sheathed in polished bown marble, veined with black. Just north of the current location there was a triangular piece of yellow marble inlaid into the floor, and another beyond that, and another. All were clearly leading to the north, then they turned to the east then finally to the south, leading to some sort of a curtain.

Beyond the curtain was a large room. In the center of the room was a pyramid which from here looked as if it were made of packed dirt. In fact the whole floor of this room was clearly open dirt. Some sort of phosphorescent lichen was providing some dim illumination, and in the distance the group could see three doors leading south. The center set of doors was huge and made of bronze, and looked remarkably like the backside of the main doors into the temple.

Cautiously the party entered the room and began to edge along the west wall, moving south. Suddenly four earth elementals rose from the floor, but did not immediately attack. The nearest was just ten feet east of the party.

Wed So that's why this map is labeled "Earth".

Read the preceding or succeeding episode, or return to the index.

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Italic Text Character's thoughts or actions if surrounded by parenthesis
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Quote: (Ryan)