Episode 18
A Quick Trip to Hommlet to Restock

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 3rd Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 7th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 2nd Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 3rd Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 4th Level (NPC)
Locale Small cottage near the Temple of Elemental Evil
Date 8th of Fireseek, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Early morning

The Biscuits headed out from the Temple and over to the cottage. After going over the building and surrounding clearing very thoroughly, the fighters proclaimed it quite defensible. Rheaphlyndar tried his hand at setting some traps in the two paths leading into this small clearing, although only time or an intruder would tell if these traps were any good.

Standard watches were taken, and the night passed uneventfully. Though many of the dreams were about vanquishing evil critters, Nicola dreamt of a wonderful place of light. Within that place she found a great ceramic vessel, the size of a very large cauldon. The fired clay was flecked with gold, and around the edge was a gold filigree in a complex pattern. Waking with a start, she quickly grabbed Weds notebook and began to sketch.

According to the plan, the party would retire to Hommlet to buy a large load of hay, perhaps renting or purchasing a cart. Other provisions would be restocked, and Nicola was in charge of finding holy water. Rheaphlyndar would make discreet inquiries about Mother Screng in specific and the town of Nulb in general.

The party rode through Nulb and went unchallenged. A quick check of one of the stables found only old hay tinged with some bluish mold, which was quickly avoided.

While breaking for lunch just outside of Nulb, Nicola pulled Gimar aside and showed him her sketches. The dwarf looked on sagely, and after a bit responded that the filligree would be challenging. If there was one thing Gimar liked, it was a good challenge! Of the gold-flecked cauldron the dwarven warrior knew nothing.

The road to Hommlet was quite overgrown, but in the melting slush it stood out enough to be followed easily. The track looped out around a branch of the Gnarley forest and proceeded more or less south through the Kron Hills. As the path continued it became increasingly well travelled and more and more like a road. After journeying for about seven miles, Hommlet was spotted over the next rise.

The most immediately obvious facets of the town were a large castle just off the road to the left and new construction on a hill to the right. Connecting the two and probably surrounding the entire town was an eight foot tall white wall. As the group approached they could see that this was brand new construction, the face of the wall smooth and bright. The road led up to a gate, a stone arch flanked by twin wooden towers.

Gimar Gnomish architecture, I'm sure.
Jaron If we stay on the main road we'll likely find an inn.
Little John I've heard of one called the Inn of the Welcome Wench.
Nicola Then we'll look for that one.

After passing some farmhouses and buildings, the road came to a North-South junction. Just ahead lay a painted sign, somewhat faded. It's subject was a buxom and smiling girl holding a flagon of beer.

Rheaphlyndar This must be the place.
Jaron I'll take the horses around to the stable and meet you all inside.

The large interior was bright and cheerful, and warm on this chilly midwinter day. Several rough-hewn tables and chairs were about, and natural tree trunk pillars supported the ceiling overhead.

Nicola Rustic.
Bartender I'm Fergus the Ostler.
Nicola Whogus the Whatsler?
Rheaphlyndar How about some Ale?
Fergus Shall I make it a pitcher (eyeing the dwarf) or two?
Gimar Two. And six glasses.
Fergus Coming right up.
Wed Personally sir, I'd like to get a room and get out of these travelling cloaks.
Fergus Ah, see my goodwife right over there. Back in a few with the Ale!
Little John I'll help you carry these packs up to the room.
Wed Great, thanks!

After appetizers of boiled eggs, cheeses and hard biscuits, the main meal arrived. Dinner consisted of poached salmon and trout stuffed with specially prepared mid kidney pie with mushrooms and truffles. Jaron had the Keoish golden wine and pronounced it quite fine.

Wed had purchased rooms seven and nine. Room seven was a suite and the two rooms had a shared fireplace. The mage rented the rooms for two nights, since the plan was to stock up on more than just supplies for the journey back to the Temple.

The Biscuits Gimar - Fighter 8th Level (PC)
Jaron - Paladin 3rd Level (PC)
Rheaphlyndar - Thief 7th Level (PC)
Nicola - Cleric 2nd Level (PC)
Wed - Mage 3rd Level (NPC)
Little John - Fighter 4th Level (NPC)
Locale Inn of the Welcome Wench
Date 9th of Fireseek, 585 CY (Common Year)
Time Evening

The group met in the larger of the two private dining rooms to discuss their plans. The ostler had offered it gratis after finding out that the party was planning to head back to the Temple of Elemental Evil. He relayed a few stories of other groups of adventurers coming to battle the forces of evil before closing the door and leaving the party in peace.

Jaron I acquired the services of a small carriage from Yayhar Carter. It is newly constructed and seems solid enough.
Gimar I managed to acquire several bales of hay and bags of oats, plus additional dry rations for the party. Perhaps Jaron and I will be lucky in our hunting efforts on the way back. Additionally I contracted for half a cord of wood, and half of that available immediately for this trip. The traders establishment was quite well stocked and will be open early tomorrow if anybody needs any additional equipment before we go.
Rheaphlyndar I bumped into a merchant today by the name of Ottavio.
Gimar What is he missing now?
Rheaphlyndar Very funny. He seemed interested in buying that trading post, which is owned by the township now. I was unable to find out much about Mother Screng but I did get to meet a fascinating Druid named Jaroo Ashstaff. He seems quite competent and was very happy to hear of the undead slaying we did within Nulb.
Nicola I acquired a great volume of holy water at the temple of St. Cuthbert, although Canon Terjon is not exactly charging charity prices. Still, we must deface those altars at any price.
Wed (obviously tired) I went over and helped the mayor with some of his construction. He didn't know much about Nulb but promised to send out a party of guardsmen to check it out. I also checked around town -- there are no kilns large enough to fire a ceramic cauldron this large.
Nicola Thanks for looking.
Little John I talked with Burne and found out a great deal about a mercenary force that guards his tower. He calls them Burnes Badgers. Apparently there was another warrior named Rufus but he has not returned from Verbobonc since the war.
Gimar Sounds like we are ready to tackle the temple. (raising his mug) To adventure!

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