The Twenty Third House, House Diez-lor

House Nobles:
Matron Mother Mizri, Cleric/Fighter 9/9 never without her Personal Guards: two Shadow Demons
Mistress Kharlessa, Cleric/Fighter 7/7 (First Daughter)
Weapons Master Kssth, Fighter 7 (First Son)
Commander of House Guard, Hrato, Fighter 6 (Second Son)
Steward, Baraqkil, Fighter/Mage 5/5 (Third Son)
House Advisor, Taaok Naok, renegade Deep Gnome Illusionist
House Mage, Desslock, Fighter/Necromancer 7/12 (Mizris consort)

Nobles without House positions:
Karas, Trade Negotiator, Fighter/Mage 5/5 (Fourth Son)
Lornial, Spy, Fighter/Assassin 5/5 (Niece)
Toril, Cleric 4 (Third Daughter)
Itrinity, Cleric 3 (Fourth Daughter)
Melrinthy, Necromancer 4 (Second Daughter)
Gaol and Blythel, apprentices to Desslock, Necromancer 3

Military Forces and House Guard:
60 Drow Warriors, 2nd level, Chainmail +1, buckler +1, scimitar +1, dagger +1, hand crossbow
25 Hunters Drow Warriors, Third Level, Chainmail +2, long sword +1, spear +2, hand crossbow
2 Shadow Mastiffs
100 Zombie Shock Troops, Chainmail +1, Halberd
60 Troglodyte Shock Troops, Javelins (3), short sword +1
30 Bugbears, Morning Star +1
Mixed force of 20 Ogres and Minotaurs

250 Kobolds

House Background:
House Diez-lor is a rising star among the Steppes Houses in Velddrinnsshar. Its current Matron, Mizri has managed to create alliances with several of the more prominent houses, notably Andar-ros, NedKosak and GimethDiran. Diez-lor mainly brings its wealth to these alliances. Before assuming the role of Matron, Mizri managed to form a business partnership with a renegade Svirfneblin. Exchanging coin for Deep Gnome jewelry and crafts, Diez-lor was able to hold a monopoly on Svirfneblin produced goods in Velddrinnsshars Bazaar and hence was able to set the price on these goods. Soon thereafter, Mizri became Matron. When the renegades treachery as discovered by his fellows, Mizri permitted him sanctuary. In turn the Deep Gnome brought several items of power into the Houses possession. However, the trade relationship had been severed, and the House had to turn to more conventional merchant means to maintain its position. Its military might is comparatively weak, but that is made up for by the ferocity of its troops. Generally, its forces are sent to guard its caravans, trading with the Illithids, Duergar, other drow cities, and even the Kuo-toa. Recently, the House has made secret trade overtures with the races of Gith, although those negotiations have been unsuccessful due to the drows trade relationship with the Mindflayers and the Giths xenophobia.

Mizri took a consort, Desslock, a necromancer. Their children form the majority of the nobles of House Diez-lor, the only exception being Desslocks niece Lornial. The second daughter, Melrinthy, has been sent to a disgraced roving patrol group in an effort to distance her from the House by the Matron, due to the Matrons embarrassment at her odd pale skin pigmentation.

House Diez-lor has come into possession of a powerful item for controlling Earth Elementals: a two-foot tall idol of Grome that permits the bearer to summon a 32 HD Earth Elemental once per month. In addition, its owner will never be attacked by any creature from the Elemental Plane of Earth; can Control up to 32 HD of such manifestations; and cast any Elemental earth Priest spell 1/day as a 15th level Priest. The second artifact the House also possesses is an Amulet of the Planes. Miz'ri wears one of the fabled Rings of Kiaransalee, a silver ring that combines the powers of Rings of Protection +5, Human Influence and Undead Control.

A Day in House Diez-lor:
Desslocks brow furrowed. Matron Mother Mizris scorn for her second daughter might prove to be the Houses undoing if it were not checked and Melrinthy was not welcomed home. Instead, Mizri had seen fit to have the young necromancer transferred to a roving patrol group rather than return to help Desslock with his research, as would have been her right and duty as a noble of House Diez-lor. ~Now Im saddled with that idiot Gaol, although Blythel was . . . a fair tradeoff,~ he mused as he leaned over to gaze at her sleeping form. Of course, if the Matron found out, it would be Blythels life, but one knew the risks when one tried to sleep ones way to the top.

The Head Mage of House Diez-lor rose, stretching his lean, muscled form and smiling as the purplish light from the fungi entered Blythels chamber, glinting off his shock of silver hair. His ebony skin glistened with perspiration from the lovemaking he had indulged in moments before. Desslock was unusual for a male. He was physically strong, very tall for a dark elf and had the cat-like reflexes of all of his kind. He would have been an ideal candidate for Melee Mingolith. However, his natural aptitude for necromancy soon brought him to the attention of the Academy and in addition to his military training, he had studied to become a mage centuries before. He reflected that a warriors life might have been more preferable in its comparative simplicity; but, after all, nothing was simple in the city of Velddrinnsshar. Without waking his apprentice, he slipped on his purple magi robes and exited. Without warning, a bloodshot eye appeared on the garment, alerting Desslock that he was being watched. Without turning around, Desslock announced, "Good morrow, Lornial."

Lornial was Desslocks niece, a drow bastard. She was House Diez-lors official cleaner, taking care of problems and making sure that the House did not get cheated in its trade dealings through a campaign of bribery, terror and blackmail. ~Lornial was a beauty, even among the drow women,~ Desslock mused as he looked upon her. Blue-black skin, the color of night, violet hued eyes and the silver hair that made the males flock to her, only to be either used coldly or rebuffed coldly. He still regretted taking her to his bed- she now acted with a familiarity that Desslock was simply incapable of chastising her for.

Lornials eyes glowed red with pleasure upon catching her uncle in a compromising situation. "Late night tutoring for your apprentice, Uncle?" she asked, smiling cruelly. Lornial was apparently just arriving from a night of debauchery herself- she was covered with gore and tracking it on the marble floor. Down the hallway, Desslock glimpsed a pair of kobolds dressed in the orange vests worn by House servants hurriedly following in Lornials footsteps in a vain attempt to clean the mess before it was discovered. "I had a late night myself," she volunteered, running her delicate hands down her shapely form. She idly flicked off a piece of some creatures flesh. "Ahh, testing your skills in the pits again, my dear?" Desslocks retort was more a statement than a question- Lornials proclivity for senseless violence was well known. "Of course, I must hone my skills in order to maximize my usefulness to House Diez-lor." she replied, a mocking tone in her voice. "Otherwise, Id find myself on patrol, like my dear cousin."

Desslock grimaced. Lornial knew full well that he had been against Melrinthys assignment, and rejection of the advice of the House Mage was a thorn in his side. It was a possible sign to others that he was losing his influence with the Matron Mother and that he may soon end up on the altar. Desslock knew better, but appearances were everything in this society. ~Which,~ he thought, ~was precisely why my counsel as rejected in the first place.~ He ignored Lornials barb and quickly made his farewell, hurrying back to his own chamber before he was missed. Desslock suspected that Mizri knew of and tolerated his infidelity, but she would not tolerate his lateness for a meeting with another House. ~Especially House Andar-ros,~ he mused as he, too hurried down the hallway past the panicked kobolds.

Another day in House Diez-lor had begun.