
Nobles and common drow require training. All drow have the option to attend an academy or utilize the house training facilities. Nobles may choose to specialize- which better prepares them for the academy and increases their prowess in their specialty area.


Training Costs
Academy Training is a standard procedure for all drow. Therefore, there is no cost to a house to proceed with standard academy training. The operation of a house training facility (Training Center or War Room) does utilize resource points. Operational costs for a Training Center is 1000RPs per month. Operational costs for a War Room is 250RPs per month. There is also a 50RP per individual (per turn) cost in a War Room or a Training Center. In addition, some noble houses will offer to train common drow and even nobles for a fee.

Training levels represent a house's training options and modifiers. All training options require a training facility (War Room or Training Center).

Level 0
Standard military drills and patrol training only.

Level 1
Capable of constructing a War Room. Initial cadet training (increases Fighter Academy graduation rate by 25%).

Level 2
Command grade training (captain and unit commanders) - same time requirement as Academy (6 months). Special unit, lizrider, and archer training (typically this takes 6 months).

Level 3
Ritual instruction (priestesses only) possible within a house's inner sanctum. Introduction to arcane studies (normally males - but specialized females are possible) by a wizard of at least 5th level. Capable of constructing and maintaining a Training Center.

Level 4
Initial noble training (See Specialization) - 6 month duration. Basic Spy instruction (lesser, Average and Expert spies) - see Spy/Informant Charts. Flying mount instruction (6-8 months).

Level 5
Primary noble training (1st year can be conducted within house War Room or Training Center). Advanced Spy instruction (in combination with Intelligence Level 5 - Super Spies). Capable of constructing and maintaining a House Arena. Special mount instruction (8-12 months).


Specialization Training can only be done in a noble house prior to a noble entering an Academy. Specialization training requires 6 months (3 turns) and the RP cost varies on specialization area. Specialization increases the nobles prowess in the area of specialization and also augments their training results (+1 level). A noble can only specialize in one area.


House training
Up to 10 standard and 1 specialized units can be trained in a War Room per month. Up to 50 standard and 5 specialized units can be trained in a Training Center per month. Standard units include slave formations, foot, elite, archer, and lizriders. Specialized unit training includes noble specialization, specialized slave training, flying and unique mount training, and spy instruction. Specialized unit training can only be conducted in a house training facility.

House training can commence at any time (unlike Academy training).


Academy training
Academy training begins on the 7th month (Sultra) of the year. Sessions do not begin at any other time. If an individual is unable to commence training the 1st of Sultra - he/she is forced to wait until the next session. In addition, graduation is not possible if an individual fails to remain in the academy for the full duration of his/her training. All requests for Academy training must be submitted the turn before they wish to commence training (the Plantier/Juvna turn). Drow may not exit an Academy once they enter until they graduate (2 years). When they enter graduate/advanced programs they may exit at any time, however all accumulated time (not experience) will be lost if this is prior to the required time.


Fighter Academy (Melee-Fengar)
All male drow (including nobles) must be trained at the fighter academy for 2 years (12 turns). All males graduate as 5th level fighters. If they wish to attain a command grade (this is usually for noble males) they must remain another year (unless their house is at least level 2). A command grade drow is a 6th level fighter. A male who shows aptitude for magic can be sent to the Wizard Academy after the first two years of training at Melee-Fengar (see Sorshay). If a house has attained training level 1 (prior to entrance to the Fighter Academy), all training times (in Melee-Fengar) are reduced by 25%. Archer and lizrider training is possible at Sorshay. This training takes an additional 6 months and if the training is successful the male will leave the academy as a 6th level fighter.

Male nobles (when they graduate) exit as a 5th level fighter (6th if they had a specialty in Battle Skill). For every additional 6 months, a noble gains another level to a maximum of the 9th level. If a house is level 5 training, it may instruct a noble within its training facility for the first year (the second year must still be conducted at Melee-Fengar). When a male attains 7th level - they may become a trainer for a period of 6-12 months (this is decided by the Principle Master of the Academy). A graduated trainer leaves the Fighter Academy as a 8th level fighter.


Dark Shrine (Arach-Miral)
Females go through the standard military training that males do - but also get educated on the ways of Lloth at the dark Shrine (hence most female drow are multi-classed). The standard training takes 2 years and the female will come out as a 5th level fighter/cleric (6/6 if specialized in Religion). No additional training is possible - but they may remain to be trainers and/or lead in minor rituals (eventually they may become Ritual leaders). Experience is gained by remaining in the Dark Shrine, as a female will gain 1 level each per 6 months spent in the Academy (until a maximum of 8/8). When a priestess attains 8th level - they must go through the Test of Lloth (see Quest Rules) to become a High Priestess. Non-noble females may be trained solely in the art of combat. These drow go to the Fighter Academy for training in archery or lizard riding after their 1st year of training. This training takes an additional 6 months and they graduate as a 6th level fighter (this is very rare for noble females). The number and strength of a noble house's Priestesses and High Priestesses is the true measure of a house's prestige and power.


Wizard Academy (Sorshay)
The Wizard Academy is a graduation school for male drow that show prowess in magic during their years at the Fighter Academy. Male nobles are also sent here for the same reason though the pressures to attain a true wizard status (8th level and above) are tremendous (for failure or delays are reason for punishment). After 2 years of additional training a drow wizard will attain the 5th level (6th level if specialized in Magic) 5th level wizards can become trainers or assist in research. Noble wizards may choose to continue their ascension, and a level of experience will be automatically gained for each additional year within Sorshay (to a maximum of 9th level). Wizards may also be trained in the art of Necromantic Magic within Sorshay (6 months of additional specialization training is required to become a 8th level Necromancer and is only attainable at Sorshay under a Master Trainer). A wizard may begin training in Necromancy after reaching the 8th level. To increase past the 9th level - a wizard must go on a Wizard Quest (see Quest rules).


Spy Costs
Initial costs places the agent into position. Turn Costs are only incurred when an agent is ordered to perform an action (Discovery, Theft, or Assassination).



Lesser Spy

1,000 GP

4 months

Average Spy

2,500 GP

6 months

Expert Spy

5,000 GP

10 months

Super Spy

10,000 GP

12 months (Training Center required)


Training Costs and Time
All spy training must be done within a house's training facility. In addition to the standard operating costs - they following is a cost chart for spy instruction.



Lesser Spy

1,000 RP

4 months

Average Spy

2,500 RP

6 months

Expert Spy

5,000 RP

10 months

Super Spy

10,000 RP

12 months (Training Center required)


A spy may be instructed on the art of Assassination. This training takes an additional year (6 months if specialized in Battle Skill). The additional cost for this training is equivalent to the cost of the spy level of the assassin (this 5000RP for an Expert Spy to Assassin) and can only take place in a Training Center. Only trained spies may attempt assassinations.


Standard Slave Training and Maintenance Costs
(1) Attack Formation Training, (2) Defensive Formation Training, (3) Slave Master Training, (4) Scout Training

Cost is per individual and Maintenance is a monthly expense.














































This is a listing of the Quests types from safest to most hazardous for those individuals (nobles and non-nobles) who go on them. Quests can be a requirement (as the Blooding) or a method to gain experience. Magic items and even artifacts can be found on a Quest but Quests can also be deadly. The more difficult the Quest, the longer the individual will be gone, but also the greater gains.  Only a single person may go on a quest- no bodyguards may join them.

Quest Type

Typical Duration

Eligible Individuals


2-4 months



2-4 months



2-4 months

non-noble, noble


4-6 months

non-noble, noble


4-8 months



4-10 months
