TOTD Turn Two- Mystery at the Bazaar

As the new recruits introduce themselves the young drow called Carafnir steps forward and bows. He is rather plain looking, bearing all the normal characteristics of the drow race. Satisfied that everyone is ready Chessintra orders the band to move out. The patrol makes it way across the city to the Bazaar. The group passes many others all of who move or stand to the side to let them pass. Some time later the quiet air is broken by the shouts of a slave master crying out the price on his merchandise. Rounding a corner, the buildings fall away to the large open expanse that the Bazaar sprawls across, mostly drow mill about the area however Duergar and even mindflayers are present this day. Vendors have setup to hawk their goods anywhere space could be had, as they group enters the crowded area, the many scents assail their senses. Roasting rothe, the scents of fine wines and perfumes along with the harsh scents of oil and unwashed bodies fill the air, along with the constant buzz of talk. At one end of the large plaza, several huge wagons bearing cages have been gathered. Within are a large assortment of creatures from both the Underdark and world above. One merchant is crying out his wares, which are enchanted blades from the world of light, where another is selling elven slaves for use in bloodings. All in all it is a normal day, the group spends in the better half of the morning breaking up minor squabbles and even going so far as to throw several people out. It is about noon when a scream goes up near one of the booths and the coppery scent of blood reaches out to tickle the bands noses. Chessintra orders them to move, but it becomes hard as drow and Duergar alike start to press for space in the same direction but with several vile curses and swift punches the path is opened for them. Dashing through they come upon a scene that is rare to this part of the city, a young drow women lies huddled against the wheel of one wagon blood covers her once white outfit. The body of another drow, this one male, lies not three feet from her. His chest appears to have exploded outwards, the twisted remains of his ribs framing the gaping hole, and just enough of his house symbol is left to mark him as one of the sons of House Archel. A large crowd has started to gather as people press to see what is going on.

Acting quickly, Chessintra takes control of the scene, barking orders over the din of the crowd. "Evilyn, check the girl, see if shes alive... if so, make sure she stays here. Solomoriah, take Gareett and Carafnir and do a quick scout of the area, see if you can locate any blood trails or other tracks." She quickly looks around for the most imposing member of the group. "Volgath, keep the crowd from getting any closer, I dont want anything disturbed. Zaltar, you help her. Olerathiel, you and Sethoroth see if you can what out what caused this mans fatal injury." While the rest of the group disperses, Chessintra begins examining the scene around the body, looking for any clues in or around the wagon.

Chesir receives no particular orders, so he stays close while working to keep the crowd back. He uses curses and the butt end of his spear to discourage the overly curious, unless they happen to be nobles, in which case he simply tells them they may not approach.

Solomoriah looks to Gareett and Carafnir. His raspy voice can barely be heard over the chaos of the Bazaar. "Well move out away from the body, making a circle, sweeping the Bazaar area. Ill search for blood trail and will be moving more slowly. You two..." The fighter can tell that his words are being drowned out by the sounds of the Bazaar, so he decides to switch to the silent code. "Look for the unusual. The noise and crowd should attract people. We want to follow up on anyone leaving the scene."

Solomoriah silently curses this assignment. The Bazaar and the death of a drow are hardly worthy of his skills. It is in the tunnels and at war that fighters are best used. Despite his personal feelings, Solomoriah bends over the body and begins to search for any signs of a blood trail. Any discovered blood trail is followed. If there is not an initial blood trail, the fighter moves away from the body in a circular pattern trying to discover a blood trail. He also looks for places where a drow might have levitated up and then used buildings or natural formations to maneuver themselves away from the scene.

Gareett does as he is bidden, scanning his eyes around the gathered crowd for more suspicious than normal reactions, either concern or pleasure, before assisting in the tracking exercise.

Sethoroth immediately moves to the body and begins to examine the wound with her knowledge of anatomy to figure out what caused this. She works swiftly and without regard to the body except as a piece of meat that poses an interesting problem.

Olerathiel bows respectfully to Chessintra, and uses her skills and knowledge of corpses to try and best determine the cause of death along with Sethoroth.

Nodding at the Patrol Leaders commands, Volgath moves forward to interpose herself between the crowd and the scene. Shouting to the onlookers both drow and non-drow alike in a commanding voice she addresses the mixed crowd in undercommon, "You are command by the Patrol of the Baazar under the jurisdiction of the Overseer to vacate this area with immediate effect. Any failure to comply will be met harshly and resistance will be terminated with extreme prejudice. You have a few moments to comply with this order before action will be taken. Failure at being able to understand this message does not mitigate punishment. Also, any drow from House Archel should await behind for questioning. The rest of you LEAVE NOW!" So saying, Volgath looks penetratingly into the crowd, looking for the insignia of House Archel.

As Vol issues out the statement of intent to the crowd, she notices the male, Chesir also encouraging the crowd to move on. Moving over to the other patrol member she speaks to him in Drow, "Chesir, I have ordered that the only individuals to stay within the area are those of House Archel. If any of that House step forward, round them up for further questioning as they may give the patrol leader clues regarding the question as to why that male was here in the first place and what he was doing. The male is of no consequence, but it is concerning that a female of the drow should be attacked in the Bazaar." So saying, Vol turns and looks at the crowd, hoping that some of the unwary ones have failed to comply with her order.

Evilyn doesnt even bother to reply to the issued command, her actions speak her acknowledgement. Moving with her readied crossbow in hand, the dark elven warrior calls to the fallen female drow as she approaches, her melodic voice carrying the same odd accent as her signed tongue.

While kneeling over the young girl and examining any wounds and the blood stained clothes, the stone-skinned lizard takes a wary position at Evilyns back, hissing and bearing razor sharp teeth and stone claws at any that approach.

Injured or not, she will ensure that she is unarmed and stand guard over her. Both as a protector from the mob, but likewise wary that she may be more then a blood covered victim. Once she is fully examined she reports her findings to Chessintra, but never removes her eyes from the girl.

Moving quickly Zaltar, Volgath and Chesir start to push the crowd back. Zaltar flips his halberd side ways and uses the weapon to shove and smack people. One Duergar attempts to slip under but the agile drow warrior smashes him in the face with the butt of his weapons smearing his nose across his cheek.

Likewise one male drow attempts to skirt around Volgath but the scarred woman slashes out with her clawed hand, opening four wicked cuts across his chest. That appears to be more then enough for the crowd and they start to disperse, the three stay around a moment longer to insure no one stops or that anyone from House Archel steps forward they can be gathered up, which none do.

Solomoriah, Gareett and Carafnir meanwhile slip into the crowd to see what they can find, searching the ground and the area surrounding the bazaar along with questions posed to those standing near by they find nothing of use. The only bit of information that Gareett turns up comes from Yaun-ti magi who explains that he witnessed a drow of unknown sex wearing loose fitting robes slip off between to wagons.

Sethoroth and Olerathiel being to examine the body. The first thing of note they find is that the mans internal organs are all missing. The chest cavity has been gouged badly on the sides, the ribs that are jutting out are somewhat deformed as if grabbed by something and then forced outward. Rolling the body over Sethoroth finds a knife wound in the fellows back below where his fourth rib would have been. Olerathiel discovers that what ever killed the man also exited out of his throat, for all of his teeth have been blasted out.

All Chessintra finds around the body is bits of bone, teeth, blood and scarps of clothing. No other signs can be found till she spots a boot print that is in a pool of quickly drying blood. Looking around she sees that there is a short trail of two more prints then more are seen around. A short moment later she finds a cloth that was used to wipe the blood from the boot and dropped.

As Evilyn moves over to speak to the young drow woman she makes out that she if nothing more then a servant of House KaiZi. She is unarmed and babbling incoherently about demons, her companions chest exploding, dead things and so and so forth.

As she looks across the Bazaar having called those forward from the second House for interrogation, Vol wonders what the man of House Archel had done to warrant death. It would be difficult to talk oneself out of killing even a male from the powerful second House of the City as the Laws governing the Bazaar were quite explicit. Everyone apart from the Patrol was banned from using weapons or harmful magics save the members of the patrol itself. The penalty for breaking the law was death, a punishment she would happily deal out herself if she came across the individual responsible.

Turning for a moment to ensure that the Yathrinshee, Olerathiel was safe and free from harm, Vol continued looking into the crowd especially at some of the mounds and giant mushrooms outside the Bazaar parameter, thinking that whomever had killed the male would be long gone by now. Alternatively, perhaps the male had something incubating within him that had finally exploded from his chest? Vol saw little evidence of an entry wound, only the exit. Perhaps the female had been attacked by this creature which had subsequently escaped? At any rate, Vol hoped that the Patrol Leader would call them back to discuss the issue. It seemed that the crowd had obeyed her commands for now and Vol did not want to wait much longer before putting her tracking skills to advantage, the scent of blood still distinctly in the air...

Gareett upon receipt of his information will return to the scene of the crime. Relaying the details to the patrol leader he apologizes for not having been more successful, his face a picture of humility. "What puzzles me," Gareett muses out loud is the apparent surprise of the victim." He pays no apparent notice to the gore around him. "To take a knife wound in the back at somewhere as populated as the Bazaar would bend ones mind towards carelessness. Not a trait one associates with House Archel. Also the wound must have killed very quickly for the assailant not to have been immediately spotted at the scene, for if it were a slow death one would imagine the screams might have been quite intense." His eyes gleam with curiosity as he considers the carnage. "So we have a killing performed by surprise and very quickly. No more than one blow. Impressive, would you not agree? I wonder if we have some form of shapeshifter in our midst?" He falls silent, body language radiating deference to the patrol leader and to the Yathrinshee.

"Not true," states Carafnir as he approaches. "One tends to associate the Bazaar with safety. For no one other then patrols are allowed in with weapons. The victim must of felt he was safe. As for my findings, I found only a one fellow who was willing to say he saw anything at all. He proclaims he saw a dim light radiate in the area for a moment so quick he doubts he even saw it for himself."

"Impressive," Olerathiel mutters as she notices the missing teeth. Not even bothering to tell the necromancer she rises and heads over to Chessintra. "Whatever did this," she tells the commander, "was very powerful. It left no internal organs in his body, and in fact I cannot find them anywhere, his teeth are knocked out, and it appears as though the force of whatever the blast was broke his ribs from the back and destroyed his chest cavity. But perhaps Sethoroth found something else out- I was noticing the teeth, or lack thereof, when she rolled him over. Im assuming that it was most likely a very powerful spell, but of the kind I cannot say." The Yathrinshee shakes her head in admiration of one who could have pulled off such a feat. "What next, commander?"

Sethoroth continues her examination of the wounds, then takes a bit of the blood from the dagger hole on her fingers and sniffs it, then leans closer and sniffs the wound itself, before straightening, a puzzled look flashing across her face.

Chessintra blows her whistle, signifying that everyone should return. After taking everyones synopsis of their findings, she considers for several moments. "Okay, we have a general understanding of which way the attacker went. Carafnir, you and Zaltar stay here and remove the bodies and any evidence you may turn up. Catch up with us when you are done."

She then consults Solomoriah and Volgath directly. "Knowing which way the assailant went, do you two think you can track him through this mess?" The look in her eyes seems to say that any answer of no will not be looked on favorably at all.

Vol appraises the Patrol Leader before nodding her head curtly at the question. Turning slightly to look for approval from the Yathrinshee, she continues to speak to Chessintra. "I was assigned to your patrol group, and therefore my skills are at your disposal. I am confident that I and Solomoriah can track the attacker wherever she/it or he went. However, any task I perform may not place the Yathrinshee in any danger and hence, as is my Devotion, I must ask the Yathrinshee permission to leave her side before I commence tracking this creature." Volgath awaits the Yathrinshees answer.

The Yathrinshee arches her eyebrows and smiles slyly. She waves a hand at the unique skeletal zombies a few feet behind her. "I have them and my other protectors. Do not concern yourself with me." Thiel looks at Chessintra and gives a mocking but at the same time respectful shrug.

Heeding the whistle cry, Evilyn takes the drow servant by the arm. "Compose yourself and move." What room her ordering voice left for question is filled by the mithral tip of the guilded crossbow quarrel as it dances before the servant woman.

With her and the agitated lizard at her feet, Evilyn stands near the mangled cadaver as she listens to Chessintras summary. Curious, the female warrior peers down to the disemboweled body with a scrutinizing look.

Finally, she presents the young girl to Chessintra without a word. The unmarred face of Evilyn betrays an emotion of contempt for the weak servant girl. The look of curiosity over the twisted cadaver turns to disgust as she kneels over it. Not leave her responsibility of the woman, the lizard friend stands guard with a watchful eye and small mouth of needled teeth.

Her plain face of black skin wrinkles slightly as she grimaces at the ghastly mess. With a few passes of her hand over and around the body (lifting a lock of hair, moving a corner of his garment, etc.) she gives up, wipes her hands on any unbloodied portion of his cloak, and stands eager to step away from the mangled drow. Quietly, she waits at the drow servants side and regards any further words of the patrol leader with a stone face.

Solomoriah shakes his head. He doesnt fear the patrol leader, but he respects her enough to tell her the truth. "I couldnt pick up a trail." The fighter looks at Sethoroth. "She has blood scent, I think?" Solomoriah turns inward for a moment pondering Volgath. He wonders how the female can serve two masters. He says under his breath, "There is only one patrol leader."

Sethoroth reports "Commander, the knife was a long narrow bladed weapon. The loss of the organs was unlikely to have been caused by an explosion or anything that generated heat. I found no evidence of common spell components in the wound, and I found no evidence of cauterization of the wound. The force was very large to have caused the damage to the bones and for it to have exited the way it did, through both the chest and the mouth." Sethoroth then gives a bow of respect to the patrol leader and steps back.

Chesir calmly watches the goings-on, and waits for the order to move out. While he waits for orders, he watches the surrounding area for any movement, or anything else out of the ordinary. Chesir also notices the bond between the Yathrinshee and the Deathmistress, and he wonders how that will affect the group.

He finds it unsettling that Volgath would tell him to his face that the death of a male noble was unimportant, considering the dead male in question was of a considerably higher-ranking House than Chesirs own. However, the male soldier knows when caution and calculation are needed. Chesir decides to stay silent and try not to offend anyone. He doesnt need any more enemies.

Olerathiel looks at the woman coldly. "And just what are you doing?" she asks. "Your duty is to watch the servant. Obviously you do not seem able to follow orders," she hisses, her hand slipping to the dagger in her belt.

Standing facing Olerathiel at the servants side, Evilyns lips break into a smile as her hand steadies her crossbow. "I was just noting the false report you gave our commander." Evilyns face takes an expression of a cat talking to a mouse. "Either you already know that no magic has been used upon this body and lied, or you are ignorant to that fact and are the one that cannot handle issued responsibilities."

Facing Chessintra, Evilyn bows her head in respect while adding, "Forgive me if I overstepped my grounds, but I could not let her ...oversight endanger you, commander."

As Chesir looks around he spots a figure draped in black loose fitting robes with a large hood pulled over the face. The figure is watching the group intently and upon seeing him, it simply raised one gloved hand and waves in a mocking manner before dropping into a bow.

"You!" Chesir shouts at the figure watching the group. "What are you doing? Come here!" His words carry an authority not so much indicative of a noble, but of a drill sergeant. Knowing that his shout is all the rest of the party needs to draw their attention to what is happening, Chesir raises his light crossbow and aims it threateningly at the stranger. "No sudden moves!" he warns the black cowled figure.

As the Yathrinshee frees Volgath from her Duty of Protection for the time being, the sudden sound of Chesirs challenge to the stranger breaks above the noise of the Bazaar as things move swiftly back to their routine pace. Looking at the stranger as he approaches, her left Deathclaw chattering to itself as the adamantine blades brush against each other, Vol appraises the figure draped in its loose black robes and gloved hands, automatically moving closer to the Yathrinshee to add to her already comprehensive protection.

Evilyn turns from the altercation between her and Olerathiel to face the threatened figure. Until ordered otherwise, she remains at the servants side with crossbow ready. Taking a position beside her feet, the stoney lizard ceases to hiss and takes a curious gaze upon the fellow.

Gareett will interpose his body between the Yathrinshee and the stranger. He speaks quietly, "Caution is often wise devoted one. The protection that is your right is formidable but I would not risk your holy legacy when my humble form might suffice."

Thiel disregards Evilyn- she is of no importance, being both a fighter and one from a lesser House at that. It is clear to her that if one does not have either skills as a priestess or a mage, they are unnecessary except for cannon fodder. But as she looks over, her eyes narrow. "And just did you know that, _warrior_," she stresses. "Unless you are the one who lied about your skills. And remember- those who are the first to accuse are usually the ones that have something to hide the most." After speaking with Evilyn, she nods at Gareett and smiles cruelly, then focuses her attention on the mocking one in black. "Very well," she hisses, then her hands begin to weave through an intricate dance as begins to cast a spell after retrieving something from her pouch. "Kiaransalee, mir nindol jaluk nindel uk XAL TLU zhaluzhaunuz. Mir ukta!" Completing her ritual, she throws the small piece of iron towards the stranger, focusing the spell on him.

Evilyn bows her head to Thiel. "Forgive me for noting your mistake. It was for the good of the patrol and not to insult you." Then she raises a single silver brow. "All drow nobles of maturity can sense magic for what it is. Again, forgive my assumption of your powers and thoroughness."

Chessintra pulls the servant girl over to her, holding her in an embrace. Gently she tries to comfort the girl, but signaling behind the girls back to Solomoriah, *Have your blade ready in case she tries anything.* Shushing the girl, she watches with interest both the dispute with the Yathrinshee and Evilyn and the robed newcomer, decided to see how the group resolves both situations without her intervention.

Solomoriah eyes the servant girl. The fighter moves into position to strike in case there is some deception involved in her activities. He looks over to the growing conflict. He wonders if this will perhaps resolve the question of authority within the patrol.

Vol looks on incredulously as Evilyn dares to show such a lack of respect to her superior. Awaiting for the Yathrinshee to finish her rebuke to the woman of House Brakx, Volgath speaks to her in slow, even tones. "Evilyn, if you had spoken to a Yathrinshee of my House like that, I would have had no hesitation in ripping your throat out from where you stand now. And believe me it would give me great pleasure to do so. I am still sorely tempted to take retribution on you for your words, which were said without the proper respect to a both a priestess and one from a higher House than yourself. However, public brawling within the patrol group would be frowned upon both by the city and the patrol commander; thoughts can be dangerous, especially if outspoken without due consideration. If you wish to take this further after the patrol has ended, I would be more than happy to meet you in the arena at the Academy. However, I urge you to consider carefully before you accept. If you choose wisely, you will pay the correct respect to the Yathrinshee the next time you address her."

Facing Vol, Evilyn answers, "I answered her question with unbiased truth. As for a date? No thanks, beauty, you are not my type."

After having spoken to Evilyn from House Brakx, Volgath turns to the Yathrinshee as the robed stranger approaches. Bowing her head slightly to the priestess of GimethDiran, Vol speaks to her slowly. "Unholy Yathrinshee, Im am sure that Evilyn from House Brakx meant no direct insolence. She appears slightly unused to our ways here in the City, so Im sure offence was not intended. However, may I point out to you that the use of magic in the Bazaar is forbidden by the laws of the Ruling Council and as such cannot be broken, even by a Yathrinshee such as yourself. I am sure that if the stranger means you harm then both myself and Gareett, who seems to realize his station unlike the some of the others, will protect you from physical danger."

Chessintra decides to cut in at this point. "ENOUGH! Ill not have this problem hanging over this group while we carry out our investigation, this gets settled now!"

Drawing her longsword, she cuts two lines in the ground, about three feet apart. "Close quarters, longswords only... The first to draw blood is the winner, the loser apologizes both to the winner for their error and to myself for wasting our time as the trail of our quarry grows cold."

Chessintra sneers, giving the two an evil smile. "There will be no death of a group member by the hand of another while on patrol unless by either my or Olerathiels command. Solomoriah may issue the order but only for the death of a male. And if one of you lands a killing blow in this battle I will not be pleased... I shall have to slap your wrist... Now get to it. Unless of course one of you wants to relent now?" The question seems more directed at Evilyn, who would, for the time being, appear to be the underdog in this conflict.

With Chessintras interruption and instructions, Evilyn steps to the line with both blades drawn. "I only sought to present fact to shatter false assumptions, but if this is the price she must pay then so be it."

The drow warrior acts as though she has given all the apology she will and is forced with her back against the wall and must fight. If her words are enough to quell the differences, then she will not push the melee. Silently, she knows the priestess will not stand a chance against her under these conditions, it not dawning on her that Volgath is the one she will fight, and her confidence is quite evident on her face and in her eyes.

Volgath regards Evilyn impassively as she stares at the drow Woman, "Your apology to the Yathrinshee has been noted, but do not make the assumption that I am a priestess, for I am not. I am Deathmistress of the House KarthDron, nothing more, nothing less. I am devoted to Kiaransalee but obviously in ways you do not understand. If the Yathrinshee accepts that your comments were merely misguided then you will not have to face me. Otherwise..." Vol lets her sentence drift. Smiling inward to herself that the Deathmistress called what she said an apology, Evilyn nods to Vol with a respectful gaze. Mentally, Evilyn substitutes the word care for understand, as she outwardly expresses herself in a humble voice, "We all serve our Dread Queen." Again, the drow warriors mental sarcasm prevails as she finishes the sentence, ~...Ill give you a big kiss.~ With one fire put out, Evilyn faces the Yathrinshee to see if she still wishes to participate in the melee of honor.

Chesir, who has been unable to watch the intra-patrol conflict closely because hes still aiming a crossbow at the mysterious stranger, shifts position slightly in order to cover Chessintras advance. However, he has been able to hear the argument, and smiles a little in approval at Evilyns show of guts and determination. Silent applause for a fellow soldiers refusing to be intimidated.

With the presence of the stranger, Evilyn is a bit apprehensive about turning her attention elsewhere, but the excitement of being able to vent a little frustration upon a Yathrinshee almost makes it worth the trouble. While in secret disagreement with the worship of undead, the path of vengeance had many sweet treats to be tasted. While waiting for the fight between her and Thiel to start or be called off, Evilyn comments to Chessintra in the signed language before she walks off, *Be wary, the stranger bears an aura laden with magic.*

"Enough!" the priestess hisses loudly, enough to be overheard by many still in the Bazaar. As she speaks, she briefly looks over Evilyns shoulder to where Volgath waits and gives a short nod, then does a strange motioning with her hands. "You have distracted us enough from our mission. I do _not_ accept your apology- you disrespect myself and my House. Is this truly what your House thinks of the fourth House of the city?" she asks angrily, her eyes beginning to glow with truly a hellish light. Behind her, the Hulkear zombies move in closer. As she speaks, she looks over Evilyns shoulder to Volgath, giving a curt nod to indicate that now would be the best time to attack.

Evilyn waits with her blades ready at the battle line. "Of course not, Olerathiel. Your House is a great one indeed and bears the many favors of our glorious Dread Queen. I sought to answer your question with honesty and the patrols best interest. Forgive the slight of a _warrior_." Her use of the word was given in the same mocking tone she used. With her more sincere apology, Evilyn nods in a respectful manner.

As tempers flare and people begin to attack on their orders a shrill voice splits the air. "Blasphemous bitch!!" cries Loxos Reclusa, Matron of that House. Her hand is out flung and pointing at Evilyn, her ever-present illithid slave standing next to her. "Commander I demand you arrest her and see to it she and all your patrol go to the Dark Mistress of Arch-Tlabbar for trial!"

The large crowd that has formed on the scene shows no desire to leave this time, Carafnir and Zaltar move forward and drop to their knees in front of the Matron. "Greatest Matron," starts the smooth male Carafnir. "I must beseech thee to allow your anger not to be directed to our Commander for she was doing as you suggest before you in all your great wisdom discovered what she had already gained knowledge of. However me and my fellow here," he gestures at Zaltar "have been ordered to deliver the body of a fallen noble from Archel back to them. You would allow us to do this duty would you not?" A crafty look enters the old womans eyes.

She gestures and six elite guards wearing her house symbol appear from the crowd. One of them orders a golem pulling a wagon to move it to the body. "Yes you may do so, and my guards will join you to see that know one stops you." Nodding his head, the two males stand and back away with out raising their eyes.

As he passes a merchant selling various cloths, Zaltar stops to purchase a long white shift which he lays over the body. With the aid of the Reclusa guards both body and servant girl are placed on the wagon. A wide path opens for the guards and wagon to travel out of the Bazaar.

Chessintra quickly looks around in hopes of spying the black robed figured but doesnt see them and then once more Loxos voice breaks the silence. "Well commander?"

Gare'ett keeps his eyes averted from the Matron during her tirade, moving as gracefully as possible away from Evilyn.

Chessintra bows respectfully to the matron, before dropping to one knee. "My Mistress, since her blasphemous actions have already cost us the loss of two suspects, I will place Evilyn under arrest for trial. However, perhaps this delay can be avoided if your illithid escort could read her for the thoughts behind her indiscretion. Perhaps then a suitable punishment can be decided and carried out without needing to disrupt our investigation. Of course my Mistress, I remain guided by your wisdom."

Gare'ett smiles quickly at the clever maneuver by the patrol leader, giving no indication as to a preference for the outcome.

Thiel groans silently as Chessintra calls a Matron Mother Mistress, then takes advantage of the distraction to draw her mace and club Evilyn over the head with it. When looked at questioningly by the others, the priestess shrugs. "Saves us the trouble of her struggling, now doesnt it?" She turns to the Matron Mother and bows ingratiatingly. "How fortunate for the first patrol of the year that such a wise Matron Mother as that of the seventeenth House is here. This blasphemous wench, as you called her, should be dealt the strictest of punishments, and it was most fortunate indeed that Kiaransalee sent you at this, a most important moment. I note some of the people from my House are here. Would you care for some additional escorts, Matron Mother Reclusa?" She looks up and motions over some of her House members over.

As the tension increasingly mounted between Evilyn and the Yathrinshee, Volgath tensed as the Yathrinshees curt nod gave her the signal to terminate the female drow warrior. Focusing her battle energies into delivering a deathblow to the woman, a reprieve appears at the last moment by the unlikely intervention of Loxos Reculusa, Matron Mother of the 17th House.

Relaxing her battlestance somewhat, Vol watches with great interest as firstly both Carafnirs political nounce and then the Patrol Leaders quick thinking seems to get the whole party out of some of their considerable difficulties. The request by a Matron Mother for the whole party to go to trial at the Dark Shrine would indeed have severe repercussions for each individual, and the accusation of blasphemy against Evilyn held the severest penalty of death. ~Or maybe death was too good for her,~ Vol mused.

Still, the presumptive action of any drow male or female against a priestess of Kiaransalee was unthinkable, and if Evilyn managed to survive this without any formal reprimand, she would indeed have been lucky. ~It is indeed strange that Evilyn of Brakx seems either unwilling to accept or indifferent to the Strictures of Kiaransalee, the Laws of the City or the underlying tenants of Station. It would soon be an oversight that would soon get Evilyn killed - especially if she started annoying Kiaransalees Yathrinshee, like Olerathiel.~ Gently working the fingers of her Deathclaw against each other, producing a hideous screeching sound, she awaits to see if the Patrol Leaders quick tongue has saved the group from punishment...

As Chessintra speaks and refers to the Matron as Mistress her anger starts to bubble over but before she can burst the silver tongued Olerathiel brings her mace smashing into the back of Evilyns head, sending her to the ground, and steps forward to speak to the Matron Mother. The women clams up and then in a loud voice states, "The prisoner will be taken by me to the Dark Mistress." Now she raises her voice so all in the area can hear. "As for your patrol, you will continue your investigation to find the one who murdered to Archel boy and know that any aid or resources that my house can offer are yours for the taking." With that two guards from her house lift the unconscious women and drag her off. The master of the Bazaar calls an end to the days trading and, with the patrols aid, clears the place of people. The man then pays them for the work. With their suspects gone, the patrol heads to one of the open air cafes to get something to eat. Carafnir and Zaltar sprint up and skid to a halt. Both men are out of breath of and appear eager to speak, but Zaltar is the first to recover and launches into his story. "Greetings, great Commander. We have just returned from house Archel and Kaizi and bear interesting news. The Archel boy was not of their bloodline, but rather an adopted child. He also fanaticized himself a ladies man, you see. I learned that he attempted to woo a female from house Netmar sometime ago and she spurned him, so he wanted to get back at her." He stops to get a breath, and that is all the time Carafnir needs as he jumps in.

"And the girl we took was not a servant of house Kaizi, she was refugee from the Brach. After persuading her to talk, we learned the boy had been going there and paying young women to dress up as people from various houses and then parade them around town. I know it isnt much but it is something." He takes a seat and looks at her once more. "So what do we do now, commander?"

As Caraf'nir ends his story a smug look crosses Zal'tars face. "There is also the fact that the boy was also a trainer at Zaktifar." Caraf'nirs face flushes crimson as the man speaks. "And the fact that a ring he was wearing is was missing from the body."

Chessintra looks around the empty Bazaar. "I think Evilyns antics have probably allowed the killers tracks to go cold. We will spend an hour searching the Bazaar for any other evidence or tracks, but then we will retire for the day." Chessintra sighs, thinking about how long the patrol groups first day has been.

"When were done here, everyone head home and get some rest, well meet back here tomorrow at first rising, and see if we can spot either of the suspects in the bazaar crowd. If the murderer is crafty he might return to the scene of his crime to see how much information was gleaned about him."

She then turns to Carafnir. "Carafnir, I would like to have a quick word with you in private before you go home once we are done here." Caraf'nir nods. "Of course, Commander."

Solomoriah remains stone-faced as the servant girl is revealed to be from the Brach. The fighter wonders if he knows her. He mentally files away the girl's image. Solomoriah nods his head in agreement at the commanders decision. He begins to search the Bazaar's surroundings for any clues, but his mind is clearly elsewhere.

Olerathiel looks around the Bazaar and sees if she can find anyone who knows where the figure in black went. After searching for a while she returns to Chessintra with her information and looks at her. Then she asks, "When do you wish to meet with me, commander?"

Chessintra considers for a moment. "Ive decided to delay the meeting until after we finish this current investigation, what I wanted to talk about will probably take quite a while."

Chesir searches the area again, but he is troubled by the turn things have taken. He thinks to himself, "Why would a matron mother order all of us arrested while we were in the very act of trying to apprehend a murder suspect? Was it because of Evilyn or was it because she didnt want us to question that strange fellow? And are the guards she offers us actually meant to assist us, or are they supposed to hinder our efforts further?"

Chesir is fully aware of his place within the group, being one of the newest additions, but he decides to risk asking someone else about these matters. Not knowing who else he can trust yet, he goes to Chessintra. He doesnt so much suggest his suspicions are based on sound reasoning as he does ask Chessintra if they are. Its not as risky that way.

Chessintra nods while listening to his suspicions. "You could be right Chesir, it needs looking in to. The other prospect Ive entertained is that a member of the boys own house was responsible, perhaps they were attempting to save face over his actions."

As the group goes in search of further clues as the identity of the murderer, Vol looks around too in search of further information. As she searches, she thinks on at the fate of Evilyn of Brakx; stunned by the action of the Yathrinshee, Olerathiel, Evilyn obviously did not have enough time to maneuver out of harms way before she fell to the floor. Still, that blow was merely a small fraction of the pain she might endure at the hands of Nada Archel, the High Executioner, or Vessa Archel, the High Inquisitor, if the ruling of blasphemy was found against her. Approaching the small pools of blood from the removed body, she carefully takes a small amount of the congealed liquid on the tip of her fingers, tasting the coppery fluid, and noting the color of the dried blood. Then, looking closely at the boot prints, she looks firstly for signs of tread wear and pattern, and if they were new boots or old, large or small.

It also seemed interesting that the man from Archel seemed to have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. The girl may have been dressed up as somebody else, who was possibly a target for the assassin. The assassin may have recognized his error too late and killed the male as he sought to protect the woman. At any rate, Volgath realized that there must be more clues here than met by casual observation...

Volgath looks around at the rest of the patrol group, stress clearly being etched on their faces both from trying to find the murder and that of the showdown between Evilyn or Brakx and the Yathrinshee, Olerathiel. Bowing low to both the Yathrinshee and the Patrol Commander, Vol addresses them both, "Most reverend Priestess of Kiaransalee and Patrol Commander, I am sure that you are both weary from the rigours of the day. The fate of Evilyn of Brakx now lies with the edicts of Vessa and Nada of Archel the High Inquisitor and High Executioner of the Dark Shrine as she has been charged by Reculsa Matron Mother of Loxor with blasphemy. In addition, the rest of the patrol may well be under scrutiny by both the Ruling Council and perhaps the perpetrator of the murder of the Archel male. Without doubt, whomever did this crime knows we are investigating the matter, and I presume that they would take certain precautions to see that the Patrol itself may suddenly loose some of its members- I fear the assassins blade may be put to use against us."

"As such, I feel that perhaps the safest place for all may be House KarthDron. Surely none would risk loosing Kiaransalees favor by shedding drow blood on neutral ground. Also the Ruling Council may be happier for us to be together in one group there as any matters regarding the trial of the Patrol are discussed at the Dark Shrine. In addition, there are certain chambers within the House that will prevent any discussions we have being eavesdropped upon. As such, I extend to you all the hospitality of the House of KarthDron, irrespective of rank or station, particularly yourself, revered Olerathiel Yathrinshee of the mighty Fourth House. So saying, Volgath, Deathmistress of KarthDron steps back to see their replies.

Solomoriah shakes his head. "I wont hide. I have business to attend to that cannot be conducted behind the walls of your House. Let murderers fear us."

Chessintra nods. "I agree with Solomoriah, I too have important duties to attend to at my House. If your offer is still extended, Volgath, then I suggest that it is accepted or declined on an individual basis."

Volgath nods her head in acquiescence at the Patrol Leader. "Yes Commander, the offer is still open to any who wish to consider it." Then turning to Solomoriah, not knowing if the warrior implied insult or not, "This is less about hiding, but more about all being in one place should either the High Inquisitor or the High Executioner wish to question the patrol group. Still, the choice is still yours."

Thiel looks at Volgath after considering her offer. "I have duties to attend to in my House when Im not on duty, so I may not take you up on your offer." If she found out anything in her investigation, she alerts Chessintra. "Commander, whenever you feel it best that we meet, we will." So saying, she returns to her House.

Gareett speaks up. "Your offer is indeed generous Volgath but I must respectfully decline, my time could be used more usefully within my Matrons House. As for fearing the assassins blade, that concern should not be restricted to any one particular day- it is part of or most noble heritage and one should always be wary. I doubt what we know so far would be considered a threat. If we are dealing with a regular killing, that evidence we have gathered is largely information in the public domain and any one House could obtain the information from simple scrying in very little time at all. Indeed we may be better guided subsequently by the second Houses reaction to its loss. Of course there remains the possibility that we are not dealing with a regular killing. You will excuse my lack of inclination to use the word murder until we can identify the motivation behind the death of a foppish self deluding male, I struggle to see this as murder. If we are not dealing with a regular killing then most ordinary deduction is wasted , this could be merely a random attack by an unknown force. I find it difficult to imagine a House sanctioned attack, as few would risk the wrath of the ruling council by abusing the sanctity of the Bazaar."

Gareett stands with one delicate finger resting on the point of his chin. "Much to ponder, would you not agree, Honored patrol leader?" He stands awaiting the order to dismiss, which is promptly given.