Phillip Webb
Hi Folks! I'm Volgath's other half, aka Phil Webb. I'm 30 years old and living in Cardiff, Wales. I got my PhD at the University College Medicine Cardiff, did some post-doc science and since then have been working as a medical projects co-ordinator for a Pharmaceutical Company. I'm married, no kids at the moment but do have 2 cats (Shelly and Alfie- there used to be a Byron to go with the Shelly but he was unfortunately killed a year ago in an RTA). I enjoy a good read, especially Lovecraft, Poe, Shelly (gothic horror is great- if/when the DM gives me an opportunity to DM you'll get the shock of your lives!!!) and also more contemporary stuff- Eddings, Fiest, Lumley etc. I have been playing AD&D for quite some time although all of my gaming has now gone PBEM, of which TOTD and Akesia are the higest quality (Jeri and Mike can pay me later!).
(Webmistress's note- Sorry, no money! ^_- I feel sorry for his poor wife and cats! With all the time he spends online, they'd never see him! *chuckle* And kitties don't appreciate having a lack of adoration. :p)