Melrinthy of House Diez-lor
Fifth level necromancer
Player: Jason Stypinski
Player Information
Alignment- Chaotic Evil
Strength- Average
Dexterity- Exceptional
Constitution- Average
Intelligence- Exceptional
Wisdom- High
Charisma- High
Melrinthy is unusual for a drow in that she is pale-skinned for a dark elf, although she retains the familiar red eyes of her kind. It was assumed by her family that she was a throwback to the days when the drow walked the surface world. Despite her odd coloring, she is quite beautiful, even by drow standards. Most males are put off by her skin tone, except those with unusual fetishes.
Due to her unusual appearance, Melrinthy was rejected from the priesthood and sent to study necromancy, where she would hopefully be 'out of the way' and not cause undue embarassment to her House. She exceeded the expectations and became an adept spellcaster in spite of her sex, realizing that it was the only way for her to achieve power. She is a quiet individual who respects the power structure inherent for the survival of the city. However, this does not mean she is above using any means necessary to better her own ranking or that of her house, currently ranked a lowly twenty-third but with alliances with several of the more powerful Houses. She is currently content to play second fiddle to Gare'ett until an opportunity presents itself to depose him.