The Laws of Velddrinnsshar
Kiaransalee is the only true deity of Velddrinnsshar. Ritual worship of another deity is punishable by death.
Failure to abide the commands or rulings of the Ruling Council can result in a noble Houses expulsion or termination.
A male may not refuse the command of a Matron or Mistress. Doing so is punishable by death.
Any drow who falsely wears the insignia of another house is punishable by death.
No combat is allowed within Velddrinnsshars Bazaar. Failure to abide by this law is punishable by death.
A noble house that attacks another must exterminate or silence the defenders noble line. If a surviving noble can identify the attacking house to the satisfaction of the Ruling Council, the attacking house faces the wrath of the entire city.
If two noble houses attack a single noble hose, both attacking houses lose the favor of Kiaransalee.
Any noble house that attacks a house that has survived an attack within the past year loses Kiaransalees favor.
Any alliance with Deep Gnomes or Dwarves is strictly forbidden.
Aiding or harboring a member of the 9th Column is strictly forbidden.
Male drow may not enter the Dark Shrine.
Only trainees, weapons masters, matrons, and high priestesses may enter the Fighter Academy.
Other Laws may be passed by the Ruling Council.