- A sacrifice is the offering of something valuable. The better sacrifices (ones that get Lloths attention) involve the offering of an individuals life (rather than gold or treasures). And of these, the offerings that get good results, involve the loss of individuals that are meaningful to the matron (House) that is sacrificing them (not a bunch of slaves, a couple of male foot soldiers, or a captured noble of another House). I am talking about patrons, priestesses, and other important nobles in YOUR House. Maybe a priestess that isnt living up to expectations. Maybe a patron that doesnt give you as much prestige as you want. Maybe a Weapon's Master that is less spectacular than those of other houses. Or maybe even a high priestess, (even your mistress) if you have one waiting in the wings and you are ready to really step up to the plate with Lloth! I dont recommend doing a lot of these (not having any nobles is a very bad thing), but if you are really interested in getting something out of your rituals, this is the only way.
- Gathering Intel on a house prior to attacking them is a must. Getting information such as their Tech level, troop numbers/types and house fortifications/defenses are a must. You also better know where all of their nobles are (nobles that are not there when you attack cannot be captured or killed and can potentially implicate your house!). Other intel considerations should be the location of traps and wards, any foreign units in their compound (unless you dont care), and the existence of any special units (marines, undead, demons, trained slaves, and the like). Bad intel will certainly lead to your own destruction.
- Take your requests to the Ruling Council (or at least a house on the Council) if you deem it important. Requests such as a need for a larger house structure, or additional land tracts, or you would like to end a rumor about your house, and the like are examples.
- Mages gain new spells through study in their quarters, their house library, or better yet- the library at Sorshay. There are dozens of spells that mages can learn in the game vs. only a handful that priestesses can gain.
- Mages who become Necromancers, Illusionists, Elementalists, or any other specialized mage class must research and learn the spells for those spheres.
- Unless otherwise equipped, graduates from academies and/or training centers (war rooms) utilize the following weapon types: Foot +1, Elite +2, Archer/Lizrider/Sappers/Raiders +2, Commanders/Marines/ Wizards/Priestesses +3, High Priestesses (including most Matrons) +4, some Matrons/Special +5.
- Lizrider units can attack/defend on walls, ceilings, and other natural surfaces without the use of magic. Other units must use magic (the innate drow powers or actual spells/devices).
- Active Search effectiveness is based primarily on INT level, current insurgency level, and the % of nobles involved in the search. Other factors such as innovations, Tech level, and number of units do come into account, but combined are less of a factor than any one of the main three items.
- Priestesses may NOT cast or assist with Bind or Summon Greater Demon spells (only High Priestesses may cast/assist with these spells).
- Necromancers must research Necromantic spells if they did not start off as Necromancers.
- Necromancers may not cast certain mage spells (see spell list).
- Innovation research is improved by having a library, lab, good researchers, and higher tech. There are better libraries (larger, rare books/materials), better labs (adv. labs, adv. lab techniques), better researchers (equipment, experience), and of course there is better tech.
- Magic research (non-clerical) is improved by having better libraries and better mages.
- With the salvage innovation up to 50% of the ore and up to 10% of the RPs can be recovered. More with a refinement center and high tech level. There are other innovations (many unknown to most houses) that can further enhance the percentages.
- Untrained male nobles may NOT chose to become wizards. They may become fighters and IF they show prowess as a wizard while at the Fighter Academy, they may be selected to go to Sorshay. There are non-nobles that can become wizards, researchers, and the like. If you run across such a non-noble, you will be notified by the GM.
- Demons are bound but not loyal (though there are some rumors of demons that join a noble house for personal gain). Demons are destructive creatures by nature, and do not like to sit idle. This is especially true of greater demons, and if left with nothing to do for too long, they may start killing slaves, or worse...
- Undead are not loyal- they serve a master (typically he/she who summons them). They love a cause that ends with killing something, but they could care less about Lloth or drow.
- Grey dwarves (Duergar) are not truly loyal but they do serve houses for profit and personal gain as advisors, researchers, mercenaries, and the like. If they are not making gold hand over fist from you, trust me, someone is paying the Duergar or it would leave!!
- Mindflayers (Illithids) are very evil creatures (much more than even drow). They join drow causes for personal gain and information but IF they do have loyalties, it is to their kindred and their ultimate goal is the enslavement of all humanoids (maybe not this century - but maybe next!). Nice ally, eh?
- Beholders are similar to Mindflayers (very evil and very powerful), though they do not have a centralized cause as the Illithids (the enslavement of humanoids). They always join the most powerful leader (house) and are known to be very strict in their codes of discipline and obedience (lawful is a good word for it).
- Certain room types do not require slaves to maintain them (as they are deemed off limits to slaves). These rooms are the responsibility of the steward.
- Necromancers CANNOT use standard mage magic items unless stated otherwise.
- A spell bound demon (or any summoned entity) can leave its master if the master is killed or seriously injured (including losing spell casting abilities even if only temporary).
- Intel (spies, informants, and other means of gathering information) can be used to gain tech level, attribute level, troops strengths, noble information, basic house layout information, fortifications, special defenses, standard trap locations, and similar type details about a noble house. Without most (if not all) of this information, attacks on ANY house can prove disastrous.
- The standard undead (level 1) are zombies and skeletons.
- Demons and undead tend to kill units that surrender rather than capture them.
- Zombies cause diseases that can spread to slaves, AG Areas, and drow.
- The sale of drow goods to non-drow is considered black marketeering.
- The Haunt Celebrations are mandatory as a sign of fealty to Lloth, the Matron Mother, and the city.
- Spell levels cannot be divided amongst spell casters. Some spells can have multiple casters, but each most donate a complete level (or levels) to the spell effort.
- Priestesses and mages cannot join MPs for any spell.
- Magic items tuned for mages cannot be used by priestess (and visa versa).
- Arenas are an excellent means to increase the levels of your fighters and are MUCH safer than Quests.
- Mages can increase their levels (and MPs) through study. The better library facilities the house has, the more likely (and more MPs) the mage will increase his/her powers. Quests are for individuals only (not a group or unit).
- Spell casters are weakened when they cast spells. A mage that has 40 MPs but cast a 30 MP Scry is at 25% of his spell casting abilities. If put into a combat situation requiring spell casting, he will only be at 25% of his casting ability!