Structural Enhancements
Structural modifications can be performed for enhancement or repair purposes. Ore costs are 10% of total RP costs on structures only.
# of slaves (units) required per:
AG Area- 10
Mine- 25 (standard); 40 (adamantine)
Construction- 25 (standard enhancements); 15 (minor enhancements); 40 (major enhancements); 20 (internal enhancements)
Failure to have an adequate slave force requires standard (drow) units to maintain operations (or operations can/will be shut down).
Standard Items
Development of Caravan Route = 1000 GPs + 2500 RPs
(Caravan Routes can only be developed in Primary and Secondary Passages)
usage cost = 100GPs + 50RPs per caravan
repair costs vary
run between major cities or to trade outposts only
Caravan Equipment and Wagons (for 1 caravan) = 2000GPs + 7500RPs
1 Ballista = 50 RPs
10 Weapon/Armor(set) = 25 RPs
**(Magical Weapon/Armor sets require 1 ADM/set)**
**(These are full sets, 10 Weapons + 10 Armor for 25 RPs)**
Standard Mine - 5-50/51-100/101-250 Ore Production/turn
(based on mine/cavern size - small/medium/large)
Adm 10% of Ore Production (5/10/25)
Adv Mine +25% Ore/Adm Production
Refinement advancement increases Adm to 20%- 10/20/50 or 14/25/60
Slaves required:
Gold- 15
Ore- 25
Adamantine- 30
(Grey dwarf, deep dwarf, and gnome slaves will cut the required number in half and double the output. Round the number up if there is a fraction.)
Standard Fortifications and Enhancements {{FRT Level 0}}
Standard Fortifications and House Enhancements can be performed on a land tract (controlled or not) or on the perimeter of the noble house itself. All house types are eligible for these enhancements.
Trade Outpost = 1000 (base FRT: 50) TIME: 2 months
(equipped for caravans, suggested 1 trade outpost for every 100 miles on the caravan route)
Military Outpost = 1750 (base FRT: 200) TIME: 4 months
(equipped for caravan and military operations)
AG Area = 200 TIME: 1 month to create (grows immediately!)
(1 AG Area produces 40 AG pts - enough to sustain 40 units)
Slave Pen = 100 TIME: 2 months
(can sustain up to 50 slave units)
Fortifications (based on house size) TIME: 2 months per house size
Outpost = 250
Noble Houses: Standard = 1000
Large = 2500
Grand (very large) = 5000
Ore Mine = 5000 TIME: 4 months to create (1-4 months to produce)
Adamantine Mine (addition to ore mine) = 2500 TIME: additional 2 months
Lizard Pen/Stable = 100 TIME: 2 months
(can sustain up to 25 lizard mounts)
Minor Structural Enhancements {{FRT Level 1}}
Minor Structural Enhancements can be performed to an outpost or a noble house. Traps can be set around the perimeter of an outpost or noble house.
Guard Tower = 750
FRT: 50 each (max of 4/6/8/16 on outpost/standard/large/grand house)
TIME: 1 month
Fortified Gateway = 500
FRT: 20 each (max of 1/3/6/10 on outpost/standard/large/grand house)
TIME: 1 month
Standard Trap = 25
FRT: 1 each
TIME: 2 weeks
Enhanced Trap = 50
FRT: 5 each
TIME: 1 month
Internal Enhancements (within house structure only){{FRT Level 2}}
Inner Sanctum = 3000
TIME: 6 months
Armory = 3000
TIME: 4 months
Smithy = 4500
TIME: 4 months
Refinement Center = 16000
TIME: 6 months
War Room = 10,000
TIME: 6 months
Noble Quarters = 250
TIME: 2 months
Common Quarters = 100
TIME: 2 months
Audience Chamber = 4500
TIME: 4 months
Internal Trap = 20 (for rooms and entrances only)
TIME: 1 month
Standard Treasure Vault = 5000
TIME: 2 months
Laboratory = 10,000
TIME: 2 months
Library = 10,000
TIME: 2 months
Additional Barracks = 2000RP
TIME: 2 months (houses 100 drow)
Major Structural Enhancements {{FRT Level 3}}
Major Structural Enhancements can be performed on a controlled land tract or in a controlled cavern.
Training Center = 18,500
FRT: 150
TIME: 8-10 months
Earth Wall = 500/750/1500 (standard/large/grand house)
FRT: 250/500/1000
TIME: 1 month per house size
Fortified Cavern/Passage Gateway = 10,000
FRT: 100
TIME: 4 months
Advanced/Secret Treasure Vault = 15,000
TIME: 4 months
Advanced/Secret Laboratory = 15,000
TIME: 6 months
Dungeon = 2000/3000/4500 (standard/large/grand house)
TIME: special
Tunnel = time and cost special
Advanced Structural Enhancements {{FRT Level 4}}
Arena = 10,000
FRT: 50
TIME: 6-8 months
Miscellaneous = Just about anything can be built at this level, just ask the GM for cost and time for special buildings.
Build points
Both Caverns and houses have a set number of build points (listed below) and each structure you build during the game takes up a certain number of these points. Once you have used all your build points up in a house of cavern you can not build anything more till you incresses its size. Now only structures you construct after the start of the game count towards your build points.
Example: During the course of the game house Med adds 2 slaves pens, 1 Barracks and a extra Smithy to their house for a total of 105 build points, and their house being a standard size has a total of 250 Build points so they only have 145Points Left
Build Points available in various house sizes:
Standard: 250
Large: 400
Grand: 700
Build points available in various cavern sizes:
Small Cavern: 50
Medium Cavern: 75
Large Cavern: 100
Structures build point cost:
Ag Areas- 5
Slave Lizard/Pen- 25
High Cap Slaves pens- 15
Standard Ore or Adm Mine- 40
Standard Gateway- 5
Trade or Military Outpost- 20
Guard Tower- 5
Adv Lab- 15
Inner Sanctum/War Room- 15
Noble/Common Quarters- 5
Barracks- 40
Audience Chamber, Armory, Smithy, Treasure Vault, Lab, Refinement Center,
Library - 15
Other structures may be possible. Contact the GM if you have questions.