The Deathclaws of Kiransalee

The original Deathclaws of Kiaransalee have been lost to the House of KarthDron and it is one of the tasks of each succeeding Deathmistress to retrieve them and return them to where they belong. The last Deathmistress to have them in her possession was the Great, great, great grandmother of the present matron of House KarthDron, SSithTor, who disappeared many generation ago. The original Deathclaws were given to the House KarthDron by Kiaransalee herself, fashioned from the very fabric of the negative plane within which the Unholy Queen has dominion. They had several magical powers and the Deathmistress had to undergo rigorous training before she was fit to use them. The gloves were recorded as being intelligent and able to communicate with the Deathmistress in a kind of symbiotic fashion and it is recorded that both the gloves and the Deathmistress required each other to exist on this plane.

Following the loss of these hallowed treasures, succeeding Deathmistresses have had to make do with poorer imitations. The modern gloves themselves are made from consecrated mithril with four long adamantine blades coming from them. The gloves are highly flexible and allow for spells to be cast while wearing them. They have been especially designed to allow for touch spells to be cast through them thus allowing the basic damage (1d4+1) plus the damage or effect of the spell. The basic requirement of being able to use the gloves is taking the two-weapon style and martial arts proficiency proficiency, then specializing in the Deathclaws allows for the full benefits to be utilized. Multiple attacks with both claws and also increases in the amount of damage they do comes with experience. The Deathclaws are worn as a single left handed glove (hence Deathclaw) in conjunction with another weapon in non-serious situations. However, the favored use in combat is that of both claws, right handed and left handed together. This is to revere the rendering power of Kiaransalee herself. When a Deathmistress has both claws on, you know she means business.


The writings of Jallebear Thrankin, deep gnome:

"After the immense battle and the collapse of the tunnel, I turned to assess our casualties and appraise the recent events more casually. Despite the fact we had run into only a small patrol of Drow, their impact had been immense. Im happy to say that if wed not have outnumbered them 4:1, wed have been chopped to mincemeat and that's something coming from a deep gnome whos hatred of the Drow goes back beyond the day he was born. They were led by a female, one of their unholy priestesses, and but a few other guards and initially we felt that this would be an easily won encounter.

"Then from out of nowhere, this other female appears. A horrible mixture of beauty and disfigurement! And that when the real fun started. She must have had some kind of accident or something, for the left side of her face was disfigured beyond all recognition. And for just a moment I felt sorry for her, but believe me, that feeling didnt last long. She ripped into us with a vengeance and ferocity that Ive never seen before even in the Drow! At first she appeared unarmed. That was until the front guards suddenly realized that they had their throats ripped out where they were standing. She appears to have these wicked looking gloves on with large blades coming out of the fingers and the speed and damage they were inflicting was incredible.

"The claws were fashioned in the likeness of metallic gloves, although Ive not seen a metal of its like in all my time digging (and that a long time!) The glove itself was black, not just the color black, but actually devoid of light. It had four long blades, also fashioned of this black material which were at least 4-5 spans long. The edges were razor sharp as I can testify personally, as for a brief period of time, those four blades were clutched around my heart and I was but moment away from meeting the Great Tunneler Himself! Luckily for me, the Holy human warrior, Krandor of Tyr, his sword blazing, managed to impose himself between me and that demoness, for as her weapons touched my skin, I felt the very life drawn from me body.

"If that demoness werent bad enough, the priestess which was with her began to do some chanting, so to cut her off quick, Grunnak (my second in command) launched some bolts at her which caught her in the chest, their adamantine heads pinning her to the cavern walls! It was at that time that the hideous female went berserk. If I described her a ferocious before she went definitely raving then! She went after poor Grunnak with a vengeance which he could not hope to compete with and in a matter of seconds, his scarlet blood and entrails were smattered all around the cavern walls. Lucky for us, Krandors weapon took a distinct dislike of this drow woman and once again burst into life. Using some kind of mighty magic, the sword caused the tunnel to collapse and opened a deep chasm to bury that drow demon right were she stood! I think that made the difference cept in the battle which followed, Krandor was mortally wounded and despite we had a healer present, it seemed that noting that the healer could do would stop the bleeding. But at least that woman Drow was dead&"