Charogen Information
We are not looking for any characters at this time. However, if you wish to submit one, feel free to. If accepted, you will be put on the list as a lurker until such time as a slot opens up for a new character to join in. To send a character- follow the rules listed below. Then send me your character. If you have the Core Rules program, send it to me in HTML format. Send your characters to: with "TOTD submission" in the subject line. Thank you for your submissions.
Will be gotten by rolling 4d6, dropping the lowest. You will then assign the following racial
+2 to dex
+1 to intelligence
-1 to con
-2 to charisma
You must show me the original number rolled, then the modified stat. Ironys server works well for this- you can even mail me the rolls.
Hit points:
You start with max HP for level one, roll appropriate die thereafter.
All of you will begin with +1 drow chain mail, a +1 weapon of choice, a hand crossbow, twenty darts for it, a Piwafwi and Drow boots- adjusted boots of elvenkind. Access for the drow sleep poison is limited to nobles only.
You have the following choices to learn from languages: Drow (given), drow silent (given), duergar, svirfneblin, deep dwarf, illithid, undercommon, kuo-toa, bugbear, and orcish.
You will recieve the hand crossbow weapon proficiency for free- if you have core rules, do not bother giving yourself the proficiency. The same with the Drow silent language.
Drow abilities (All usable only once per day.):
Dancing lights
Faerie fire
At fourth level, you gain the ability to:
Know alignment
Detect magic
You all start with 50% magic resistance, which rises 2% per level starting at 2nd, to a max of 80%.
An additional +2 on all saves involving magic.
Any sort of light spells or sunlight causes the following adjustments:
-2 to dex
-2 to attack
Character description:
Must be included, along with a DETAILED background.
Background writing-
First of all, this city is many thousands of miles from Menzoberranzan, and Lolth has no power here. The worship in this city is of Kiaransalee, drow goddess of necromancy and vengeance. Elsewhere on this site is information on this city and the surrounding cities and areas. For those of you playing males, note that you have more freedom in this city than you would under Lolths worshippers, although this is still a matriarchial society. Note that the clergy still is in control of the city. Also, as I stated, you are graduating from the academies in this city, and I would need something included of your stay there. Feel free to invent NPCs- I dont mind. (220,000 people live in this city, you included, so have fun!) Also note that youve all had your blooding- this happened before you entered your respective academies.