Everyone's favorite beryllium-faced villain

So... you want to join and help this PBeM grow. The procedure is simple. Follow these few steps and you'll get just that.

Step 1.
First, enter your email address here. Then complete the registration steps to join Yahoo! groups. They don't take long, so don't worry ;).

Step 2.
Now, set your GIJoe membership options. The easiest is the first one, so check that one. Then click on the button and it should send you to the GIJoeRPG Yahoo! groups page. Now your all set. You should get an email in a few moments about joining the GIJoeRPG at Yahoo! groups.

Step 3.
I've created a form to use in submitting your character(as opposed to having to email me everything). Its much easier this way me thinks. Any questions or comments can be sent to (). For Cobra characters, there is a different form here - COBRA FORM.

* The Social Security numbers are created and made-up. They are by no means the Social Security Number of the person who submited to this site. They also are not to be used in any other condition, except as fictitious representations of the character's SSN. Disclaimer's suck.

"GIJoe" is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. All other similar material is copyright of the copyright holders. The contents of this page are for entertainment purposes only, and not for profit.

Questions, comments, or snide remarks can be sent to or Xinoy on AIM.