Priest Spells
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I'm still looking for submissions of custom spells, so I can put those up with mine, and my players' custom spells.

These are the priest spells from their respective books, with desciptions that are verbatim, they are in Core Rules 2.0 .xpt format, which can be imported by both 2.0 and the expansion. If you don't have the program and you would like them in text format, email me at .

Necromancer's Handbook Priest Spells

Pirates of the Fallen Stars Priest Spells

Faiths and Avatars Speciality Priest Spells

Druid's Handbook Druid Spells

Ranger's Handbook Ranger Spells

Of Ships and the Sea Priest Spells

Dark Sun Box Set Priest Spells

For Duty and Deity Priest Spells

Planewalker's Handbook Priest Spells

Dark Sun Dragon King Priest Spells

The spells below are in .xpx format, the expansion is needed for these files.

Priest Spell Compendium A spells

Priest Spell Compendium B spells

Priest Spell Compendium C spells

Priest Spell Compendium D spells

Priest Spell Compendium E spells

Priest Spell Compendium F spells

Priest Spell Compendium G spells

Priest Spell Compendium H spells

Priest Spell Compendium I spells

Priest Spell Compendium J spells

Priest Spell Compendium K spells

Priest Spell Compendium L spells

Priest Spell Compendium M spells

Priest Spell Compendium N spells

Priest Spell Compendium O spells

Priest Spell Compendium P spells

Priest Spell Compendium Q spells

Priest Spell Compendium R spells

Priest Spell Compendium S spells

Priest Spell Compendium T spells

Priest Spell Compendium U spells

Priest Spell Compendium V spells

Priest Spell Compendium W spells

Priest Spell Compendium Z spells