Welcome to the Realm of the Drow

Within this site are two separate chapters of the Tales of the Drow.

In the first chapter, young nobles from the Kiaransalee worshipping city of V'elddrinnsshar have graduated from their Academies, and have been formed into a patrol.  The patrol currently is in exile and is seeking its way to gain the honor required to be able to return.  This game is solely a role-playing game.

In the second, Houses from a Lolth worshipping city have split off, forming their own, Ched'Nasid.  Follow along as they create a new city and laws, and seek for the ultimate approval of the Spider Queen Herself.   This game has some role-playing, but is mainly a strategy game.

Which path will you follow?
Chapter One: V'elddrinnsshar
Chapter Two: Ched'Nasid

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Drow Dictionary


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